Thursday, September 1, 2011

We survived!

Well, the kids and I all got to experience our first hurricane this weekend (Josh was there too - it just wasn't his first hurricane) And....we survived!  Ok, I kind of the time it got to us, it was considered to be a tropical storm, I guess.  But, whatever - it was still really flippin' windy and we still lost power, so I feel as though I still have bragging rights. 

Anyway - the whole thing lasted about 24 hours - it started early Sunday morning and ended early Monday morning.  Everything was fine - we were pretty well prepared with water, flashlights, candles, etc.  However, I will admit - the whole concept of a well and the fact that we don't have ANY water if the electricity is out?  That part sucked.  You don't realize how much you use water until you don't have it.  Brushing teeth, washing faces, taking a shower, washing dishes and FLUSHING THE TOILET.  We had filled the tub with water so that we could have some water to flush, but not knowing how long we would be without power, we didn't want to use too much of it, so the plan was not to flush every time and to just wait basically as long as we could handle it.  Ok - wow.  That was gross.  And, something I never want to experience again.

We did have our gas stove, which was a life saver.  Josh bought a bunch of those ridiculously high in sodium and fat frozen pasta meals, so after much preparation and strategizing in order not to have the freezer open for too long, we opened the freezer, grabbed the meals and closed it for dinners.  No joke - we each envisioned where the food was stored in the freezer for a good five minutes prior to opening it and I'm pretty certain there was even some stretching that occurred at some point in preparation of the quick moves that had to happen.  I think that our record was 5 seconds.  The only problem with this plan was the dishes - how does one wash dishes with no water?  Well, you sit on the deck and use bottled water and a kitchen sponge thing, apparently...


Surprisingly enough, the kids did a great job of entertaining themselves for most of the day.  The did a lot of coloring and playing with toys inside.  Josh and I actually got quite a few random things done around the house, which was good, as the house has gotten no attention all summer.  And, I decided to take on a cupcake decorating project for the women at daycare, as Avery's last day was yesterday (more on that in another post).  Wow.  For some reason, when Lindsey brought these over for my birthday, I thought that they looked easy enough to do on my own.  I was wrong.  These puppies took me a good 6 hours to decorate (and, this doesn't include the baking and freezing, which was done on Saturday).  But, it was fun and worth it - I think everyone at daycare appreciated them. 

The rest of the day was spent with various "do you want a snack?" moments in order to occupy the kids and then, their favorite - dinner via candlelight.  I'm thinking we may be eating with candlelight every night from now on given how much Alex liked it. 

We did make it down to the beach to check out the waves - wow!  They were insane.  These pictures don't do them justice at all - they were pretty incredible.

We ended up not having power for 48 hours, which stunk, but as a result, my office and daycare was closed on Monday, so I got to spend the 80 degree, sunny day with the kids at home. Not a bad way to end a hurricane!  Although, I will be honest - had daycare been closed for one more day, I would have personally hand delivered those damn cupcakes to the teachers at their homes, as they WERE going to eat them! 

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