Monday, November 29, 2010


Thanksgiving post soon (overall - GREAT week!!).

In the mean time, I wanted to post a few photos from our big camping adventure the other night. We had an unseasonably warm night the weekend before we left for Texas, so we decided to go camping Holland-style (a.k.a., walk 5 feet out our backdoor and sit around a fire that we built in a fire pit purchased from Crate and Barrel while drinking wine and eating smores).

I'd love to be able to say that we have grand plans to take the kids camping at some point, as I know that those would be great family memories for them to have. But, I'll be honest - this will probably be the extent of it. At this age, Avery was just excited to be able to "stay up late with Mommy and Daddy."

If it makes you feel any better, we were able to hear our local pack of coyotes howling in the distance while we were sitting by the fire and we were still able to hear them as we turned around and walked the 5 feet back to the house to go to sleep in our warm, comfy bed, surrounded by 4 walls that will protect me from said coyotes all night. Now, THAT is my idea of a successful camping adventure right there.

Friday, November 12, 2010

It's Starting Already....

"Hi Avery, I think that you are really cute - wanna go and run the obstacle course with me?"

"Um....I guess. But, only if you promise to take me to a restaurant afterwards..."

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween

We had quite the festive weekend. Beginning with going to the pumpkin farm to pick out a pumpkin....

Carving the pumpkin (a.k.a., mom carving, dad taking pictures, kids playing in the sandbox and Deacon eating the pumpkin insides)....

Getting dressed up in our Lady Bug and Peanut costumes...

and, going trick or treating!!!!

Hope everyone had a great Halloween!