Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What it's all about

I've mentioned numerous times how LC is the place to be (in my opinion) during the summer.  Winter?  That's a different story. But, we have a few months before that happens, so we won't focus on that right now.  What we will focus on is what an incredible summer this has been.  The weather has been gorgeous and the kids are at great ages to be at the beach, which is a good thing given that we are there every weekend (and that is not an exaggeration) from July through at least the end of August.  However, one thing that we hardly ever do - in fact, I'm not sure we have actually ever done it - is to have dinner on the beach.  But, this last weekend, Josh had the idea of getting a pizza and heading down there for dinner, so we did.  We packed up some beer and wine and grabbed a pizza and salad and headed down. 

It was awesome.  I have to say that it was one of the most peaceful, beautiful nights and I've decided that dinner time may be the best time at the beach.  There was basically no one there, the weather was perfect, the sun was starting to set, etc.  I mean, how can you go wrong with a view like this...

Not sure if you can see it all that well, but those are people on that rock - there are 3 diving boards that you can go off of.  Back in the day, I would go off of these.  Josh still does.  And, I'm sure, soon, our kids will want to.  Granted, I'll probably not feel comfortable with that for another 16 years, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

And, here is the view of the entire beach.  Let me tell you - that guy totally scored.  He was sitting there all by himself reading and we had left over pizza, so being the nice midwestern girl I am, I figured I would offer it to him vs. throwing it out.  And, being the new england man that he was, he looked at me as though there had to be something wrong with it - surely it was poisoned and I was trying to kill him.  People just don't do nice things like that around here.  But, he got over it and ate it and enjoyed it...

The rest of the night, the kids played in the water and I sat in my chair taking pictures and drinking my wine.  Afterwards, we went to get ice cream at the local ice cream shop.  Now, THAT's what summer's all about...

1 comment:

  1. LOVE!!!!! Living vicariously through you in every way when I read this!

    - Christine Scheidegger
