Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pee Pee in the Potty!

Alex went pee pee in the potty this weekend!!!!!

He also managed to get a huge mosquito bite on his forehead, but ignore that - that isn't the focus of this post.  What is the focus is that he is not even 2 years old and he went pee pee on the potty!  And, not only that, but he was actually in the bathtub and knew enough to tell me that he had to go (granted, he said, "poop!" and really had to go pee, but probably better that way, as "poop!" really had me moving quickly to get him out) and actually went!  Then, he went again yesterday morning!

This is all very exciting.  However, I will have to say - this process is a bit different with a boy than it was with a girl.  You see, with Avery?  We clearly didn't need that little guard thing on the front of the potty. So, I took it off and in the midst of moving, it disappeared.  Well, I need that.  Like, now.  As it is, I have to point "it" down every time he goes and inevitably, he thinks it is all sorts of fun to point "it" down on his own, but then lets go when he actually starts to go, so my bathroom floor?  Covered in pee.  I might as well buy stock in those Clorox wipes right now, because I envision needing a lot of them in the future. 

BUT - regardless, he has done it and we're excited.  Now, that said, I don't want you to think that I am so naive to think that we are already on our way to being potty trained.  I definitely do not.  And, I'm pretty certain I will be writing about our challenges with the process for a good 2 years to come, but's a start and I'll take it! 

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