Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Kongs Anonymous

Hi, my name is Deacon.

I know that I don't get much face time on this blog thing, but I have to make an announcement. I'm addicted to KONGS. For those of you who don't know what that is - it is a big rubber thing with a hole in it and my mom stuffs really good stuff in the hole for me to try to get out. My favorite is peanut butter. And, every once in a while, she'll give me left overs! That is a special treat! Because, you see, when my mom and dad first got me, I was really skinny because I was found in the pound in Houston. So, because of that, my mom felt really badly for me and began giving me kongs. Approximately 3 a day, to be exact. Filled with peanut butter. Too much peanut butter. So, now? I'm on a diet. No, really. I am. Vet's orders. As it turns out, I have gained 10 lbs since my last visit (just a few short months ago)! And, as we all know, it isn't healthy for dogs to be fat (nor does it help with my ability to hit on the hot female dogs in the neighborhood)....

"Hey, Al -how about you give me one of those fishies?"

"No way! Do you know how many points these are on weight watchers?"

"Oh, come on - I won't tell mom. I promise."

"Ok - let me put down my sippy and I'll see what I can do."

"Dude - she's looking right at us. Wait until she leaves."

"Oh Man, she's NEVER going to leave! She's been standing there for 10 minutes taking these pictures of us."

"Alright, Al - I'll make a deal with you. How about, I will promise to lose some weight as long as you promise to NEVER wear just an undershirt and sweatpants again. That way, we can BOTH pick up the chicks!"

"Ok, deal. Now, have a fishy..."

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