Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Green Thumbs

Ok, holy landscaping, batman.  This last weekend, we finally pulled the trigger and purchased some plants, bushes, etc. to go around the deck.  This has been on our list for a long time, but in all honesty, I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to get to go around the deck and the thought of having to pick things out that a) would not die and b) would look good together was totally stressing me out.  So, as with all decisions that stress me out, I just avoided it.  However, Josh has been talking about it for a while now and I finally just decided that we would go to the local greenhouse and look for anything that does well in full sun and then just go for it.  And, that is exactly what we did. 

We got 2 rhododendrons (yes, I had to spell check that) to go on either side of the front door (now if we could just finish putting the walkway in, maybe someone would actually walk to the front door and see them).  It looks a bit silly here, but the tag says that this thing could grow to be 9 feet wide, so we opted to just put one on either side of the door vs. 2.  I don't have a picture of the second one.  It looks just like this one, so you're not missing out.
 At one point, I had mentioned that I really like the look of the weeping cherry trees, so Josh's parents got me one for my birthday and we got that planted this weekend....
 So, remember how I had commented on my hanging baskets that I had managed to keep alive?  Yeah - not so much.  As it turns out, they were impatiens and impatiens need to be in full shade.  So, one can only assume that they didn't do too well, as I had them in FULL SUN!  Anyway, I transplanted them to another pot and put them in the shade and instead, got these, which the woman swears are really hard to kill.  I will probably prove her wrong.
 Then, we got these for one side of the deck.  Those are 2 rose bushes, a hibiscus tree and a butterfly maple tree.  We like to call this side of the deck a "work in process" and will hopefully add more to it soon.  Too bad it is the one side that faces the street.  Whatever. 
 Here is one of the sides of the deck on the left of the stairs.  I don't know what any of these are called, but do know that they will all eventually span 2-3 feet.  Hence, the current spacing...

And, the other side of the deck, which was challenging, as I had to get the location of each plant to be exactly the mirror image of the other side of the deck.

And, here they are together!  Next up?  Grass.  Ugh.
So, what were Avery and Alex up to while we were doing all of this planting?  Avery was building a home for our new pet WORMS - Emily and William. 
 As she was building their new home, she decided that they may be hot and that they needed to go swimming.  I wasn't paying attention until she came to me with both worms sitting in a cup of water.  I don't know what worms have exactly, but I'm pretty certain they resemble lungs more than gills, so I informed Avery that she may want to come up with another past time for Lucy and William.  So, she decided to give them some food (aka, grass) and a toy (aka, a bubble wand).  We then put them in the shade so that they could play with their bubble wand and live while doing it...

What was Al doing, you ask?  Well, Al was sitting on the deck on the other side of the house squeezing an entire bottle of sunscreen all over himself and the deck. 

So, we nearly killed 2 worms and now have an eternally white deck (and child for that matter). BUT, our landscaping has been started, which is a very good thing!

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