Thursday, August 30, 2012

Avery's End-of-the-Year Show

I figure, what better time to post about Avery's end-of-the-year Pre-K show than her first day of Kindergarten the following year??  Sorry.  Clearly my posts have been somewhat sporadic lately.  Stay tuned for another post updating you on the rest of our summer adventures soon. 

Avery's end of the year show was during her last week of Pre-K in June.  It was adorable. 

All three Pre-K classes combined to sing a bunch of songs on stage and then there was a slide show of the year.  As you can imagine, Avery was leading the pack and not only did she get to stand on the stage, but she also used this location to her advantage in order to tell all of her friends either a) what they should be doing at any given time or b) to point out to them where their parents were in the crowd (as you see here with her friend Sophie).  It was comical. 

I have a video of her singing "This Little Light of Mine," "He's Got the Whole World in his Hands" (or whatever it's called) and "Grand Ol' Flag"  but I can't get them uploaded for some reason.  As soon as I figure it out, I'll put them up.  They are pretty cute. 

Afterwards, we were supposed to have a picnic lunch with the kids outside, but unfortunately, it was cold and rainy that day. So, we had a picnic indoors, which worked perfectly fine. 

The parents decided it would be fun to give her teacher a photo book with a page for each child.  We asked each child 1)What his/her favorite thing was about Pre-K, 2) What they were going to do this summer and 3) What they thought their teacher was going to do this summer.  For whatever reason, I volunteered to do the book and because it took a significant amount of time and because I think that it turned out well, I'm including a link.  :)

Overall, it was a very nice way to end the year. Josh and I couldn't be more proud of Avery and how well she did during her Pre-K year. By the end of the year, she could speak some french, some Spanish, could write using both capital and lower case letters, do simple math, she remembered and could recite every prayer she learned and she began to read beyond the normal level for Pre-K.    

And, Al?  Well, Al walked around with a bucket on his head during the picnic.  But, don't worry - I'm sure (well, pretty sure) we'll be saying the same things about him in 2 years. 

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