Thursday, January 26, 2012

This boot was made for walkin'...

New Englanders are very confusing.  I swear - in the summer?  It's too hot and humid.  In the winter?  It's too cold and snowy.  But, then?  When you don't get snow?  "Where's the snow?  I am getting really annoyed that it hasn't snowed yet."  You can't win around here...until this weekend.

Not only did we get our first snow fall of the season, but we got a lot of it!  I think that we probably ended up with well over a foot at our house.  It was pretty crazy going from nearly 50 one day and then a foot of snow the next.  Needless to say, the kids were thrilled.  Well, Avery was. Alex was still trying to figure out if he was thrilled or annoyed that he is still a bit too short to really walk through that much snow. 

Not to mention, he isn't a huge fan of all of the gear it requires - the boots are too small, the mittens are too big, the scarf goes up to high on his face, etc., etc., etc. But, once he got out there? He enjoyed it.Josh bought both kids snow shovels when he was out and about, so they had a blast helping dad shovel.


And, in case you haven't noticed yet, no new seasonal adventure would be complete without Alex wearing pink.  As with everything else, Josh and I were not prepared for the snow, so Al had nothing that fit him - except for Avery's old pink snow pants.  So, pink it was! 

Avery actually had nothing that fit as well, but Josh was actually able to find her snow pants at Walmart that morning (they did not have any boy snow pants left). Prior to that? I tried to convince her that the 3T's would work just fine. However, as it turns out, when you try to put pants that are too small on someone? They give that person a never-ending wedgy (or grundy, as I like to call them). Ah - that brings me back to my good ol' college days when I forced my poor friend Amy to wear the pumpkin costume that was made for a 12 year old - as it turns out, a 12 year old pumpkin costumer will also give the 21 year old wearing it a wedgy. But, I digress. Point being, Avery wasn't a big fan of having snow pants up her butt, so we held out on our outdoor activities until Daddy arrived with the new pants...

And, just as I was getting excited about (gasp!!!) getting out of the house to enjoy the outdoors??  I realized that I still have this *&W#$#$%'ing boot on my foot.  And, this (#$%$#%'ing boot?  It isn't closed toed, which clearly wasn't going to work in the snow.  But, I'll be damned if I was going to miss out on a fun activity with the kids, so my solution?  This...

And, I was still kind of nervous about hurting my foot on the uneven snow, so not only did I have the bag?  But, I also brought my crutches along...

I'm sure my neighbors thought I was crazy.  And, if they didn't see me?  I'm sure they were wondering what peg-legged creature had been traipsing through our yard - crutches make pretty amusing tracks in the snow.

Anyway - Alex had enough of the snow after about 30 mins, but I'm glad that I had this ingenious thought because Avery and I had a great time.  She made a bunch of snow angels..

and then realized that sliding down a slide that is covered in snow is really fun and fast, so we did that for a good 45 mins.


Overall, bag and all, it was a great day...

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