Wednesday, October 9, 2013

On Wisconsin!

You can imagine my excitement when I found out that my company has a location out in Green Bay, WI AND not only do we have a location out there, but it just so happens that someone from our office would need to fly out there to do some work this year.  CLEARLY, I volunteered for this one and as a result, ended up flying out there last week.  What a great trip!

Ok, most of it was a great trip.  But, it didn't start out so well...So, as I'm going up the escalator in the airport in PVD, I hear this horrible sound - only to look up to see that the woman ahead of me had let go of her freaking suitcase (the hard metal kind) and it was flying down the escalator right at me.  I had no time to think or to get out of the way, so it proceeded to slam right into my freaking foot (yes, the one that I had the surgery on).  It was the kind of pain where I thought I was going to throw up.  Just so I don't keep you all hanging, here is the progression of the injury (it felt much worse than it looked - I swear!). 

Once I got over that, everything was up hill from there...

While in Green Bay, I got to see Lambeau for the first time ever.  Not only did I get to see Lambeau, but I got to go inside the stadium and onto the field!  The guy who works at our location there totally hooked me up and took me into the stadium.  So cool.  I was told that we were being watched wherever we were while in the field, so I had to act professional and not take any pictures.  But, I did get some of the outside.

Then, lucky for me, I finished work an entire day earlier than expected, so I took off on Thursday night and went to Opa and Grandma's house for the weekend!  It wasn't until I stepped inside that I realized that I have NEVER been in that house by myself.  What a strange (yet, really really nice and RELAXING feeling! ). 

Friday morning, I took both dogs for a run, which we all appreciated (especially me given the amount of calories I feel the need to consume while in WI) and then it was off to the lake! 

My parents had already had plans with friends of theirs to go fishing, so I decided since I didn't have 2 kids to be chasing after, this would be a prime opportunity for me to partake as well! 
Of course, first, I had to get a fishing license.  Seriously?  It was as though I was applying for a freaking passport with this thing.  They needed my address, my social, my height and you can only guess what was next.  Yes, they needed my weight.  So, with a straight face, I look at the girl and say, "100."  I mean, it isn't like she could look at me and say, "You're full of crap!  There is no way you are only 100 lbs!"  So, she just said, "OK" and put it on my license.  Yes, it is going in a frame.  The funny thing was it turned into the running joke all weekend. Which, as I look back, was totally at my expense.  Basically, every joke made about me being 100 lbs was saying exactly that..."You're full of crap!  There is no way you are only 100 lbs."  But, whatever.  It clearly didn't stop me from eating and drinking my way through Green Lake...

And, as it turns out, it was a good thing I got that license because, I caught a fish!  The first one in probably 20?? years?

 Mom was the real winner that day, though.  Check out this one that she caught! And, to answer your question, yes - we can catch the fish, but putting the worm on the hook or touching the fish afterwards?  Not so much...

That night, we went to my parents' friends' house for a beverage (where I tried my first Brandy Old Fashioned  - when in Wisconsin!).  This is the view from their deck...not bad, huh? 

After that, we all went out for a WI fish fry, which we all agreed has gone down hill since I was younger, but it still satisfied my craving. 
The next day was the Green Lake Fall Festival!  Picture every craft you can imagine and it was there.  I found a couple of things, but focused most of my efforts on the food and the beer.  Then, it was time for the parade.  Man - I thought the 4th of July parade was good.  The Fall Festival Parade?  Puts that one to shame.  I mean, we had...
The local preschool float...

The Past Princess of the Fair Float...

(some of them have aged better than others as my father so kindly pointed out, but have to agree with him)
These weird little men driving around on bikes performing a very well thought out and rehearsed routine and managing not to run into each other...

The local scottish population???

The local septic company truck (whose marketing department should receive a raise...)

The walking corn chick
You get fun things thrown at you like string cheese (of course!)

and beach balls (why not??!!)
Then comes what we have been waiting for now for over a year.  Wait for it, wait for it....


THE FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT!!!!!!!  Where the hell was she during the 4th of July parade is what I want to know???
But, if you are REALLY lucky?  You get to witness the local butt crack photo bomb...


Believe it or not, I was able to maintain my appetite after that and go back to Mom and Dad's to have a great steak dinner on my last night there.  And, after dinner?  I got to go through my grandmother's and mom's old jewelry - definitely a memorable way to end a memorable trip! 
The only negative (other than my foot nearly getting ripped off my body) was that I had to get up at approximately 3 AM for my flight the following morning (note to self - maybe one less glass of wine next time).  But, the good news was, I got to get home to see the kids and Josh at noon that day.  So, all in all, a good call on my part.
Thanks for a great weekend, Mom and Dad!!!!

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