Thursday, April 25, 2013

We have reached that amazing point in our lives...

What amazing point, you may be asking yourself?  Well, the amazing point that on Saturday mornings, these kids...

Are letting these kids...

sleep in on Saturday and Sunday mornings!  How is this possible, you ask?  Well, because, they (well, Avery) are finally old enough and capable enough to go downstairs on their own, turn on the tv, and watch it by themselves without waking us!  It is insanely wonderful.  Not only that?  But, they are even in training to take this big guy out AND to feed him...

We are still perfecting this part.  So far, we have had a weekend where we let him out, but forgot to let him back in and another weekend where we let him out, let him back in, but failed to notice his muddy paws that then tracked mud throughout the house and we are slowly running out of weekends where they are able to feed him because the bag of food is getting too low and they can no longer reach it (I guess I'll have to forgive them for that). 

Regardless - it is still insanely wonderful.  Granted, we are most likely not winning parents of the year given that our kids are now watching a good hour - 90 mins of tv every morning on the weekends. But, really?  What's more important?  Our kids brain cells or Mom and Dad's sanity? 

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