Friday, September 28, 2012

Swim Lessons

Not to brag, but I'm pretty certain that Josh and I definitely do it right when it comes to the kids learning how to swim.  I mean, first of all, well, we have them in swimming lessons which will ultimately lead to them not drowning, so that is clearly a good thing.  But, more importantly?  We are NOT the ones who are forced to get into the pool with them to teach them.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I enjoy doing things with them and teaching them things.  However, being forced to get into a cold pool at 8 AM and to attempt to be all "YAY, Avery!  Good job!  Move those arms!  Kick, Kick, Kick!" is really not high on my list of things to. 

However, it appears as though it is HIGH on Grammy and Grampy's list of things to do, so THEY took them!  It was fabulous.  Two men who are retired school teachers and who have also been life guards for years agreed to teach swim lessons to kids at Josh's parents club's pool.  Last year was Avery's first year and this year, we decided to have Alex do it as well.  It really worked out well for everyone.   Not only did both of them get far more comfortable in the water AND Avery legitimately was swimming for a good couple of seconds on her own by the end of the summer, BUT every Wednesday and Friday of this summer?  I didn't have to drop them off at daycare.  Now, again - I enjoy spending time with them and dropping them off.  But, damn!  That reduced my commute time by a good 30 mins, which was definitely a plus. 


 And, while it worked out well for everyone, let's be honest - the real reason that it wasn't us in the pool is simply because we aren't members at the club.  So, maybe we are the losers in a sense, but at least I'm a dry, warm loser who got to sleep and extra 30 mins two days a week this summer!

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