Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Labor Day Weekend - 2012

This year, we had an extra special visitor come over Labor Day Weekend!  Uncle William had a business trip to Boston planned for the Tuesday and Wednesday after Labor Day, so he decided to come early and to make the drive all of the way down to LC.  The kids were thrilled to see him, to say the least.  Unfortunately, he got in a bit later than initially planned, so we gave a quick tour of the house (for those of you who have seen the house, you know that this is truly quick - stand in the kitchen, look ahead and there you have it!  The house in its entirety) and then rushed him out the door so that we could get to the beach fast enough to eat dinner before it got dark.  Dinner was a success.  William got to see where we spend all of our weekends and I think that he could understand why.   Alex doing his "Yay!  Uncle Will is here!" dance...

The men eating dinner...

Uncle Will and the kids messing around (clearly I'm still trying to figure out this new camera thing...)

 We actually stayed for a while and were able to take a walk on the beach just as it was getting dark and then, much to our surprise, we got to witness a firework display as we were leaving. 

 These would be the fireworks that I clearly have no idea how to take pictures of...

The next day, we headed down to Newport to show William around.  Josh started us off with a tour of the coast and all of the ridiculous houses/mansions.  The tour was great until my stomach decided that I should have probably really stuck to my guns when telling William "No" to his 5th "come on - just one more top off" request the night before.  But, don't worry - I hung on and cured all resemblances of a hang over with a lovely fish and chips lunch.  My waistline didn't like me afterwards, but my stomach did.  :) 

The rest of the afternoon, we just walked around Newport and then headed back home to chill out for a bit on the deck before William left.

Overall, it was a very nice visit.  It was William's first time in New England and his first time at our house, so now he can at least say that he knows where the LC is - which is more than most people can say...

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