Monday, June 4, 2012

Big Al Goes to the Dentist

Ok, so this actually happened a couple of months ago (March to be exact), but I never got around to posting it and given that this blog is also intended to be a keepsake for my kids someday (minus some of the MiMi and Girls' weekend posts), I didn't want to miss out on the posting opportunity. 

So....Big Al went to the dentist!  And, I have to say - it went quite well!  For whatever reason, both of my kids have always been really good at both the doctor and the dentist.  I'm not sure why, but we've never had any problems with them throwing a fit or being scared, etc.  But, just to make sure, I decided to take Alex to one of Avery's dentist appointments back in December - just so that he could see how it worked and so that he would know what to expect.  Turns out, that was a good idea.

He got right up in the chair and listened to whatever the dentist told him to do.  He was great!  Granted, it helps that we have a really good dentist who is great with kids (and he had a tv with Dora on it to stare at the entire time).

Two cute/funny things while we were there - the dentist chose a toothbrush bristle (for the toothbrush that they use with that paste-type stuff) that looked like a tiger, so when he asked Alex what it was, Alex said a tiger and the dentist asked him if he liked tigers.  Alex very calmly looked at him and answered, "No."   The dentist got a chuckle out of that and just brushed his teeth with the tiger anyway.  A for effort, doc.    Then, as he was nearly finished brushing, Alex just looked at me and said, "Mama?  When he gonna be done?"  Again, a chuckle from the dentist, but he kept going and Alex let him without a fuss.

After he was all done, he asked Alex to spit in the sink next to him, which Alex was ALL excited to do.  And, apparently, he did quite well, as the dentist was actually quite surprised - who knew that spitting was actually a milestone in a 3 year old's development?  According to the dentist it is and most kids his age can't do it correctly but, given his fabulous spitting performance, Al is now allowed to use the big kid fluoride toothpaste and spit in the sink.

I'll be honest - we haven't gone there yet.  Why?  Because it takes far more effort and time on my part to actually have him stand at the sink, insist on putting the toothpaste on, turning the water on and brushing all by himself only to have me do it all over again after him.  Right now?  I hand him the toothbrush with the fluoride free stuff on it and he takes it - sucks all of the toothpaste off and runs (much to my dismay - yes, I realize this is a major choking hazard) around while I'm still getting ready and until I get a hold of him to finish the actual brushing.  Much faster people, much faster.  Not only that, but while he is good at spitting, I'm not sure he fully grasps the concept of actually needing to do it and not having a choice.  So, until we get to that point, it will be choking hazards and liquid fluoride in milk. 

And, as long as I'm being honest - this toothpaste thing is 3rd on my list of priorities - right behind potty training and binkies (which to give myself SOME credit, are only used at night when he sleeps - I swear!).

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