Wednesday, August 18, 2010


This last weekend, both Avery and Alex got some quality time alone – Avery with mom and dad and Alex with Grammy and Grampy. Friday night, we were given tickets for the luxury box at the Pawsox game (New England’s minor league baseball team), so we decided to take Avery.

Which, in hindsight, may not have been the best plan, as Avery will now think that all baseball games are spent in a suite with free food. Kind of like the first time that I had to fly in coach – after flying for free in first class the majority of my life, I did NOT like being back with the common folk – I thought that I deserved much better than that. Anyway – she had a great time and was amused by the entire experience. And, Alex had a great time at the pool with Grammy and Grampy.

Saturday afternoon, I took Avery to a bday party and Alex went to stay with Grammy and Grampy. Josh was in Boston with friends and there was no way I was going to try to deal with both of them at a party - Alex is at that "crawl everywhere and get into everything that I shouldn't" stage and I just didn't think that I could deal with that on my own.

We were a bit late to the party, but made it just in time for “Happy Birthday” and for Avery to play with the water toys for a while.

She had a great time and LOVED the grab bag goodies, as she got two more silly bands – do you people know about these? They are the new in thing – bands that are basically jelly bracelets (remember those??), but that are the shape of whatever (animals, flowers, etc) when they are not on your wrist.

Avery received 2 dinosaurs, which she very creatively named “Dino” and “Saur.” And, as we were leaving the party, she asked me if I would like one of her silly bands. The conversation when something like this:

Avery - “Mommy, do you want one of my silly bands?”
Whitney –“Well, sure! Thank you.”
Avery – “What do you say when you want something, Mommy?”
Whitney – “May I please have a silly band, please.”
Avery – “Yes, but you will need to wait until we get to the car.”

My lord, we’re in trouble.

Sunday, we went to the beach (yes, I did this on my own until Josh got back, which actually wasn’t that bad, but did take a decent amount of mental preparation)

and then that afternoon, we went to a magician show! And, we even let Alex come along (were you beginning to think that we never let him participate in the fun??)!!It was a good show, although, his tricks were strange – 90% of them were pretty mediocre and then he busts out with a balloon that pops and out comes a dove and then a pot that he lights on fire and out comes a rabbit.

Very cool, but very “above” all of his other tricks, so it was kind of weird.

Avery enjoyed it, but was probably a year too young yet. And, Alex actually did pretty well – was active, but did well in our laps overall- although, the church floor was covered in cheerios and goldfish after about 5 minutes of us being there, which probably wasn’t great.

Don’t worry, I realize I’m not religious, but even I know that leaving cheerios all over the floor of a church is probably pretty disrespectful, so I did clean them up before I left. Ok, ok, I'll admit it - the clean up effort was partially for selfish reasons. I mean, let's be honest - surely somehow someone "up there" would have noticed this cheerio incident and as a result, the Holland kids would have been black listed from St. Phil's next fall, so being the good Catholic school mom that I am, the cheerios were gone by the time we left...

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