Friday, May 10, 2013

Growing Up

It's funny.  I grew up with a very strict schedule.  And, by strict schedule, I'm referring to things like getting my ears pierced (not allowed until the age of 16), shaving my legs (not allowed until I don't remember when, but after all of my friends started), not wearing makeup until again, I don't remember when, but after I wanted to start.  In looking back, there was a reason that my parents did this.  Becuase there was just no need to grow up too fast (well, that and my mom was the only one out of the two of us who really knew that once you start shaving?  You can't stop because it comes on in full force.  And, really?  I had blonde hair, so was there really a need anyway?).  So, while I swore at the time that I had the only parents on the planet who actually stuck to the whole "not until you are 16 thing" when all of my friends' parents had said it at one point, but then switched to the "if you get straight A's you can..." thing and I remember how annoyed I was, I am afraid that I am that mom! 

Well, ok, I'm in between the "Not until you are 16..." and "If you get straight A's, you can..." kind of mom.  I SWORE that I wouldn't spend money on a professional haircut or a professional pedicure for Avery.  I mean, really?  Why does a 5 year old with perfectly straight hair need a professional haircut when her mom can do it in the bathroom for free?  And, why does a 5-year-old need a professional pedicure when she is perfectly content having her mom paint her toes while she sits in front of the TV and watches Doc McStuffins?  Well, because, even 5-year-olds like to be pampered!  And, probably more importantly, like to feel grown up.  So, she got both (not in the same day...let's not go too far.  These pictures were about 2 months apart from one another)...

 Ok, ok, so maybe I couldn't do that flower...
She had a great time and it was so much fun watching her enjoy everything so much.  But, kind of hard to swallow the fact that my little baby girl is growing up...

Happy 6th Birthday, Miss Avery Norris!  We love you!!!
(oh, and if you want us to be able to afford to pay for any of your college education, your next professional haircut will have to be at Super Cuts.'re still waiting until 16 to get your ears pierced...)

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