Monday, May 14, 2012


It's funny - I find myself getting embarrassed when I say "My best friend..."  I feel like the term is so middle school and yet I'm still using it at the age of (almost) 35.  But, the crazy thing is that the description still works for Sara and I. We've been BFF's ever since 1st grade and still are and always will be.  Unfortunately, given where we both live, we don't get to see each other nearly as often as we would like.  However, when we do, it is like we just saw each other yesterday. 

We've come up with a pretty good system in terms of making an effort to see one another. Sara typically flies out to RI sometime in the spring, I am out there in July with everyone in my family, so I always see her during that week and then this last year, I went out there in November, which we are hoping to have happen again.  So, 2 weeks ago was her visit during the spring.  We had a great time.  I was introduced to the world of gluten-free dining and cooking, as she is doing a gluten-free diet.  I have to be honest - given my obsession with food and lack of focus when it comes to the ingredients, etc., I figured it would be really challenging to find things to cook, but it really wasn't!  We did a lot of lettuce wraps, salads and eggs.  And, I even managed to find 2 restaurants with an entire gluten-free menu! 

We spent the weekend taking walks with the kids and the dog and then on Saturday night, we went to see a cheesey chick flick at the movies (The Lucky One) which was ok.  I can't really tell you much about it other than Zac Effron (sp??) is HOT.  Damn.  And, after the movie, we went out to dinner - it felt just like old times! 

The kids had a great time with Auntie Sara as well.  Avery was thrilled, as she received her first makeup kit for her Bday.  Needless to say, she wore eye shadow all weekend from that point on. 

Overall, it was a great weekend with my BFF!

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