Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Our own little speckled Easter egg...

Yeah….remember those outfits from Children’s Place that I was so excited about? Turns out, they are evil! Cute and cheap, but evil. I had Avery try the dress on the weekend before Easter just to make sure it fit and sure enough, 2 days later, she broke out with a pretty severe case of hives. And, the only reason that I’m blaming the dress is because the exact same thing happened 2 Easters ago when she wore a dress that hadn’t been washed from Children’s Place. Here she is in 2008…..

And, here she is in 2010…

Crazy, huh? It wasn’t even that big of a deal for the first couple of days, because it wasn’t bothering her at all. She was happy as could be.

Then, Friday came. Wow. She could barely even stand on her feet, the rash was turning purple in spots and one eye was almost swollen shut. As you can imagine, that resulted in the second trip to the dr. (the first being on Thursday so that we could get the clearance to keep taking her to daycare). The Dr. prescribed steroids for her to to get rid of it. Not sure if you have ever dealt with steroids, but they can do some crazy things to your emotions –especially when you are 3 and you don’t really understand what is going on and why you are feeling that way. Anyway – the weekend was pretty rough – she ended up in our bed Friday and Saturday night scratching like crazy. Finally, at 2 am on Saturday morning, after singing Christmas Carols and “Here comes Peter Cottontail” (as that is the only Easter-like song that I could remember), and talking about what the Easter Bunny may bring and then “painting” her with calamine lotion, I finally conceded and turned on Barney – anything to take her mind off of the rash at that point! ANYWAY – the rash did end up getting better in time for her to enjoy Easter. We decorated eggs on Saturday, which, as it turns out, she loved eating afterwards.

I’ve never seen a kid like hard boiled eggs that much. We had a great day on Sunday – the Easter Bunny left both her and Alex a basket and hid eggs so that she could find them on Sunday morning and then she also got to open both her and Alex’s gifts from Opa and Grandma (I’m not sure what she is going to do when Alex is big enough to actually open his own gifts!).

That afternoon, we went to Grammy and Grampy’s, where the Easter Bunny had hidden more eggs and another basket for each of them.

She loved the idea of finding the eggs, but still doesn’t 100% grasp the concept. No matter how many times we told her that the Easter Bunny was coming on Saturday night, she still didn’t remember it on Sunday morning. I figure next year will be the big year.

Here are some pictures of the kids on the big day...

Can we say mini Josh???? I couldn't get over that outfit on him. He looked like such a little man.

And then there is mini-Whitney....

I’ve decided that Easter may be one of my favorite holidays – I get to dress them up in really cute clothes AND you can buy an entire Easter basket and things to fill eggs for like $20 total for both of them (thank you Michaels!). That’s my kind of holiday. Hope you all had an enjoyable one as well!

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