Thursday, April 2, 2009

Taking the leap...

Well, I've done it - I've finally made the leap and have become a "blogger." I think that's what it is called? Or, is that the term for people who just read other people's blogs all of the time? Regardless...

This is something that I've wanted to do for some time, but have always been a bit nervous thinking I will never have anything really all that interesting to talk about. However, considering we have a 23 month old, a baby on the way, a 13 year old dog who is blind and deaf, a crazy-ass cat who is one pee away from being kicked out of the house AND we just got finished building a new house, SURELY I can find something of interest to talk about. Not to mention, I think that it is a great way to keep everyone who doesn't live near me (which, would be nearly 95% of my family and friends) up to date on what is going on with us. AND...most importantly, I will be able to post pictures and updates of Miss Avery as well as her little brother or sister. Lord knows, they are both growing and changing every day and there are always plenty of stories to share.

Now, as much I would like to say that these posts will be 100% about my children, I will admit, there will most likely also be some posts about me and maybe even some random advice and/or findings, thoughts, etc. that I happen to come across. Because, for those of you who know me, you know that I LOVE sharing advice and I also happen to love talking about me. That's not to mean I don't love hearing about you as well, but I really do love sharing stories about me. So, definitely expect some posts all about "MiMi" (yes, that is the name my parents have given me - see above for the reason) along the way.

Now, I will admit that this blogging thing will probably take me a while to master and my friends who already have a blog should expect a significant number of emails from me asking them how to post pictures and put them where I want them, how to change the background colors, etc. That being said, please bear with me while I figure this thing out and know that the first few posts may be a bit aesthetically boring....starting with this one.

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