I know this is long, but worth the read...trust me.
Oh my lord. It started on Monday. At 5:50 AM to be exact. Alex woke me up and told me he wanted to tell me something and asked me to come into his room. Needless to say, I couldn't for the life of me figure out what he could possibly need to tell me at 5:50 AM in the morning. But, I followed him back to his room and he proceeded to have a break down. Like, melting down. And, then informed me that he had done something "really bad" in school and that he was going to get in trouble.
Still attempting to wake up and figure out what the hell was going on, I ask him what happened. At which point, he informed me that he wanted to make his friend Megan laugh, so "he drew a picture of him peeing in a shower." What???? I mean, first of all, why would he do that??? And, second of all, what was the context of this picture??? Why was he drawing it at school and why did he turn it in??? Unfortunately, the answer to those questions couldn't have been any worse...because the picture was part of his religion packet! Seriously????? He drew a picture of him peeing in the shower for religion???? Well, apparently, the assignment was to draw a picture of a place that you normally pray. And, I will say that Alex has told me that he does pray in the shower. So, that part wasn't far off. But, the fact that he also included his "wee-wee" and "yellow dots" on the paper??? Not cool.
So, then he tells me that he attempted to draw shorts on him, but that the teacher collected the papers before he could color the shorts in and he was convinced that she would notice the yellow dots anyway (um...and perhaps the wee-wee that didn't get colored over??).
At this point, I have woken up and realize it's time to put on my Mom hat. Cue the "It's ok to want to be funny and to make your friends laugh. However, you have to do it in an appropriate way and at an appropriate time" lesson as well as the "when you do something wrong, you need to own up to it" lesson. So, we decide that the best thing to do is to go to his teacher that morning, ask to speak to her in private, and tell her that he would like to remove his picture from the packet because he isn't proud of what he drew. The rest of the morning was a disaster with him crying every time he thought about it. BUT, he did talk to the teacher when he got in and felt much better after wards. So, good. We're done. Or, so I thought...
Tuesday morning - 5:45 AM - Alex comes to my room and wakes me up. "Mom, can you come to my room? I have to tell you something." SERIOUSLY???? This cannot be happening. So, I go into his room and he tells me that he did something bad and he is afraid to tell me. Really? Well, then, let me sleep!!!! Turns out, this time he lied. TO A PRIEST!!!!! I guess they were talking about India at a mass for some reason and the priest asked the entire school if anyone had ever been to India. And, Alex raises his hand!!!! WHAT??????? I mean, we have never even talked about going to India, much less has he been there! Why the hell would he say yes??!!!! Cue the "it's never ok to lie and you will get in far more trouble for lying than you will if you tell the truth" lesson.
At this point, I ask him if there is anything else that he would like to tell me (i.e., tell me now so that you don't freaking wake me up at 5:45 tomorrow AM). "Well, there is this one other time that I lied." SERIOUSLY?????????????????? "I told Avery (friend at school - not sister) that I have a purple belt in karate." WHAT??????????? The kid has never even taken a karate class!!!!! WTF??????? Cue the "it's never ok to lie and you will get in far more trouble for lying than you will if you tell the truth" lesson AGAIN.
Wednesday morning (I wish I were kidding) - 5:45 AM - Alex wakes me up... "Mom, what if someone finds out that I really didn't go to India???" Ok - Mom's done. Alex needs to get over the lie and move on. So, I tell him that he needs to go back to his room and to wait until I'm awake and I will come in and talk to him. Cue the "it's never ok to lie and you will get in far more trouble for lying than you will if you tell the truth" lesson AGAIN, but this time add to it "while it is never ok to lie, this lie didn't actually hurt anyone, so it is ok to just move past this and not confess" lesson.
Thank the lord this was the last morning of confessionals in the Holland household. Unbelievable. Truly unbelievable.
Our Life in the L.C.
This blog is intended to keep all of our family and friends who do not live in the area (or anyone else who happens to find our lives interesting) up to date with what is going on with the Holland family. Hope you enjoy!

Friday, May 13, 2016
Monday, March 21, 2016
Thanksgiving 2015
This year was our year to go to Texas for Thanksgiving. Given that Lexi and Will just put in a new pool and got 2 new puppies, we decided to stay in Houston to enjoy all of the above.
The kids and I took a 6 AM direct flight out of Boston on Saturday AM, so we got to Houston at around 11 AM. First stop? Mexican food! I am not kidding you when I say I ate so much that I was literally ill and basically had to rest for the remainder of the day. One of these days, I'll learn...
Of course, that first day, the kids had to get in the pool and the hot tub (thank you Uncle Will for heating the pool to 80 degrees for them!). Needless to say, they had a blast and it wore them out!
We did our annual trip to the Houston Aquarium except this time it was just the girls who took the kids. Opa was still in WI hunting and William was working. Everyone had a good time - especially now that they are all old enough to ride on the big drop ride thing. Fun times!
The next day, we hit the zoo where we got to feed the Giraffes and get our obligatory beer after doing so.
Thanksgiving was a relaxing day filled with food, booze and football - just the way it should be. Oh - except this year, we added Spin to the mix. Josh came for the first time and other than realizing that as a guy, he needs to be wearing shorts that are a bit more "controlling" in certain areas, he did well and seemed to like it. I'm just happy that he now knows what I'm talking about when I go and that he knows what a tough workout it really is.
Here is the before (disregard Josh's closed eyes)...
And,the after...
Our annual buffet lunch of appetizers...
The rest of the trip was spent relaxing, playing with the puppies,
making pizzas outside,
Our first time geocaching!!! More on that later...
and enjoying each other's company. As always, a great trip. Thanks again Aunt Lexi and Uncle Will!
The kids and I took a 6 AM direct flight out of Boston on Saturday AM, so we got to Houston at around 11 AM. First stop? Mexican food! I am not kidding you when I say I ate so much that I was literally ill and basically had to rest for the remainder of the day. One of these days, I'll learn...
By the way - THIS? Never Ending Chips? That would be the culprit of my misery later on. No. Willpower.
Of course, that first day, the kids had to get in the pool and the hot tub (thank you Uncle Will for heating the pool to 80 degrees for them!). Needless to say, they had a blast and it wore them out!
We did our annual trip to the Houston Aquarium except this time it was just the girls who took the kids. Opa was still in WI hunting and William was working. Everyone had a good time - especially now that they are all old enough to ride on the big drop ride thing. Fun times!
And, of course, the hurricane tube. That is always a favorite...
The next day, we hit the zoo where we got to feed the Giraffes and get our obligatory beer after doing so.
This year, we had some extra excitement at the gorilla display. All of them were up and about and playing by the window nearly the entire time. It was pretty cool!
Thanksgiving was a relaxing day filled with food, booze and football - just the way it should be. Oh - except this year, we added Spin to the mix. Josh came for the first time and other than realizing that as a guy, he needs to be wearing shorts that are a bit more "controlling" in certain areas, he did well and seemed to like it. I'm just happy that he now knows what I'm talking about when I go and that he knows what a tough workout it really is.
Here is the before (disregard Josh's closed eyes)...
And,the after...
Grandma's Pies...
The bird...
Lots of thumbs up on Thanksgiving for whatever reason...
Before dinner...
Opa making the gravy...
Watching the Pack lose after dinner...
The rest of the trip was spent relaxing, playing with the puppies,
making pizzas outside,
Doing crafts with Grandma...
and enjoying each other's company. As always, a great trip. Thanks again Aunt Lexi and Uncle Will!
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