Monday, February 23, 2015

Going with the Flow

We had an excellent lesson with going with the flow on Valentine's Day this last weekend.  The day started out really nice.  I tried to make it special by offering to make heart shaped pancakes and the kids had no interest, but whatever.  They did get to open their Valentine's day gifts, which they both loved.  Legos for both of them and then a CD for Avery and Pokémon cards for Alex.


Avery had gymnastics and then I took both kids out to a Valentine's Day lunch at Olive Garden.  Josh had to work pretty much all day, so it was a good excuse for a Mom date. 

Afterwards, we went home and the kids chilled out while I went back up to Josh's office because I needed to get some work done.  The plan was that Josh was going to pick me up at his office with the kids and we were going to go out to a Valentine's dinner together as a family.  Except - this one was going to be even more special because we were going to meet up with friends of ours and their kids who happen to be Alex and Avery's best friends.  On Friday, we were at Avery's "love bag" ceremony (will post about that one separately) and mentioned what our plans were.  They said that they really didn't have any plans and live about 5 mins from where we were going to have dinner, so we decided to invite them to join us.  The kids were thrilled. 

Well, in keeping with tradition in New England, it started snowing that day at around 3 and it was really coming down.  But - we were troopers and decided to brave it.  So, Josh picked me up and we headed towards the restaurant.  However, when we got to the bridge (i.e., the only way to get to this restaurant)???  It was CLOSED!  There had been an accident and they were not letting people on!  Seriously????  I felt so bad.  You could see the disappointment in the kids' eyes.  I'll be honest - I was a bit disappointed as well. 

Given that the weather was slowly getting worse and worse, we decided it would be best if we just stuck close to home, which as you know - really limits our options!  So, we ended up at a restaurant that isn't nearly as exciting, but ended up being quite good.  Of course, Alex was being a pain about what he wanted to eat and didn't want anything.  As it turns out, there was a reason.  Poor kid came down with a fever at dinner - you could literally just see him fading.  So, all in all, it was probably a good thing that we didn't meet up with our friends.  He ended up being down for the count for most of the weekend, but was fully recovered by Monday.

So, while it may not have been the Valentine's Day celebration that we all envisioned, it ended up being a pretty ok night for all of us.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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