Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Christmas in Houston!

Sorry - rewind a couple of months....

This year marked our second annual Christmas in Houston!  And, it didn't disappoint.  We got in late on the Sunday before Christmas, so the girls were sleeping when we got in.  But, everyone was excited to see each other the next morning! 

The first day there was gorgeous, so we took advantage and ate lunch outside. 

Then?  It was off to the Zoo!  It couldn't have been better weather - low 70's and sunny.  It was great!


 Mom's favorite part?  Our beer break on the patio by the giraffes...

Annabel drew a picture of the giraffe for all of us to remember that moment - fully equipped with a "pee tube!"

After the zoo, we all went to one of Lexi and Will's favorite spots for a drink.  It was great.  We sat outside enjoying a drink while the kids ran around playing chess.

After that?  Dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant.  I swear, we really did do more than eat and drink on this trip.  Ok, well, most everything we did do did involve eating and drinking, but this is an Epting family vacation after all...

The next day, Lexi and I took the girls to see the nutcracker and Opa and Daddy took Alex on a guy day - complete with mini-golf, arcade games, etc.  Everyone had a great time! Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of Alex on his day with the guys because, well, I wasn't there and if I'm not there?  Pictures are not taken.

I do, however, have a picture of our beverages, which we pre-ordered and were ready and waiting for us at our own table during the intermission.  This is how we roll...

That night, we went over to friends of William and Lexi's for drinks and apps.  Little did they know that my children would eat them out of house and home...

The next day was Christmas Eve!  In an effort to give the hostess some time to get organized (and mama some time to sit in the sun and read...don't worry, I did ask if Lexi needed help, but you know Lexi - she has her way of doing things and if you try to help?  You are just messing things up.  Similar to when we were growing up and she wouldn't let me clean because I didn't do it well enough. It's a pretty sweet gig being her sister, actually.), Josh and Opa took all of the kids to the movies!  They went to see Big Hero 6 and all decided that it was a bit too scary, which of course, didn't bode well for Avery's nightmare issues, but we managed.  When they got back, in a continued effort to give Lexi some kid-free time, Opa and I took all of the kids to the playground (these are the things you can do on Christmas Eve in Houston). 

Notice Charlotte's helmet - she kept this thing on the entire time we were there.  It's actually probably a good thing, as this child has no fear....as you can see...

That night, had our first fire in the fire pit - complete with smores and fun little finger lights that Uncle Will purchased for all of the kids (and grandparents)...

The next day?  CHRISTMAS!!!!  Stay tuned..

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