We had a great time while we were there. Avery got to experience life on a “farm” with the chickens, the dogs, the fire pit and the snake (yes, she touched one and no, I was not there when this happened). She LOVED “getting the eggs from the Roosters” with Opa every day.
Here she is on Opa's tractor and eating dinner outside on the stumps by the campfire...
Alex was great and loved hanging out with his new cousin Annabel (ok – clearly he had no idea that he was hanging out with her, but you have to say things like that about a cousin who is the exact same age).
I managed to sneak away for a day to see the HS girls. It was great seeing all of them. It couldn’t have been better timing because Sara had just had Lila a few days earlier, so I got to meet her, which was great. She is adorable and they are both doing really well. Here is a picture of Alex and Lila. Isn't it funny how Alex nearly looks like a toddler compared to her?
We also managed to throw my mother a surprise retirement party, which was somewhat of a challenge since it was at her house, but we pulled it off. She literally had NO idea and had a great time.
The way back from WI was good overall. The only “mishap” was when Alex pooped and then Avery decided that she needed to go to the bathroom at the same time. It started with me getting up with Alex and walking down the aisle only to hear Avery screaming. Yeah….I totally forgot that she was buckled in and couldn’t get out, so the poor child was locked in and thought that I was just leaving her there. Well, the flight attendant came to the rescue and gave Avery her baby doll to make her feel better, which helped (you may be thinking that part of the story really wasn't necessary, but see more on baby doll below). So, we get to the bathroom and turns out, Alex doesn’t like the changing table and as a result, screamed the entire time. As he was screaming, Avery hit her head on the sink, so she started screaming. At this point, I’m about to lose it, so I walk out of the bathroom holding Alex and asked for a volunteer to hold him. Some poor man in a business suit was the first to offer, so I put a burp cloth on his shoulder and handed him a screaming child. Of course, the entire time, I was convinced that he probably had the swine flu and that Alex was going to end up back in the hospital, but I couldn’t be concerned with that at that point. We ended up making it through ok. HOWEVER – the baby doll? Yeah – she ended up on the floor of the bathroom during the entire fiasco. So, I’m thinking, ok – this is gross, but at the same time, it isn’t like she puts the baby doll in her mouth or anything, so what is the worst that can happen? Um…have you ever been on Midwest Airlines? If you have then you know that they serve hot, gooey chocolate chip cookies. And, of course, as Avery was eating his hot gooey cookie? Yep – the chocolate dripped on the baby (yes – the baby who fell on the bathroom floor) and what does a two year old do when she sees chocolate? LICKS IT!!!! Oh my god – I nearly died and was totally convinced that I would now have TWO kids in the hospital when I got home. My lord.
I’m happy to report that, so far, neither one of them is sick and they are officially back into their normal routines. Avery was thrilled to see all of her toys again and all of her friends at daycare gave her a big hug when she walked into the room. It’s depressing knowing that our vacation is over and that I’m going back to work soon, but we’ll see them all again in November for Thanksgiving, which will be great.
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