Since there really wasn’t anything too exciting that happened this last week (which is a good thing in this house lately), I figured I would post the funny (and, not so funny) things that Avery has said lately. She really is too smart for her own good sometimes and says things that you wonder where they came from and who she got them from. Most of them are funny, as you will read below. Others? Not so much:
1. Scenario – All of Avery’s babies are laying face down on the living room floor:
Mom: Avery what are your babies doing on the floor?
Avery: They’re just chillin’, Mommy.
2. Avery: Mommy, I have to go pee
Mommy: Ok. Let me know when you are ready for me to come in to help you.
Avery: You can come in when I call you. I’m going to close the door because I need some privacy.
I mean, seriously? What 2 year old says that she needs privacy while going pee?
3. Scenario – Mommy feeding baby Alex and trying to think of something to do with Avery while doing so, so I ask her if she wants me to read her a book.
Mommy: Avery, do you want me to read you a book?
Avery: No Mommy. I want to read you a book.
Mommy: OK
Avery starts to read and then passes the book to me and says…
“Mommy, can you read this to me? I don’t have my glasses.”
4. Scenario – Avery hasn’t taken a nap all day and is in the bathtub having a meltdown from being so tired. So, as she is screaming (for no real reason), she looks at me and says (through the tears), “I’m having a VERY BAD DAY!”
5. Scenario –Avery comes to the table while we are eating dinner asking what we are having. Unfortunately, we have yet to figure out how to get dinner ready early enough for her to eat what we are having and for all of us to eat together as a family. So, typically, she eats before us, but then tries (and ends up eating half of) whatever we are eating and sits with us while we eat. This night, she ate rice, steak and spinach salad with us and afterwards said….”Hey guys – thanks a lot!” It may not sound very funny, but hearing your 2 year old refer to you as “guys?” Pretty funny.
This next one is one of the not so funny ones –
6. Scenario – This morning we were getting ready to leave and she had taken a blanket out of the basket in her room where they are kept.
Mommy: Avery, please put the blanket back in the basket
Avery: You can’t tell me to do that!
I'm including this picture because I think that it is ironic that such a cute little girl can be such a bossy, strong-willed little lady sometimes
I’m pretty certain, based on this, that she and I will continuously be at each other’s throats in just a few short years. Also, I might add (just so you don’t think that this type of behavior is a result of how we parent) that I clearly stated after that comment that I am her mother and I can tell her to do whatever I want (yeah – that’s right – I’m a hard ass). She didn’t find that very funny.
This next one is the best yet and the reason for the title of this blog:
7. Scenario- Josh is giving Avery her dinner.
Daddy: Avery, what would you like to drink?
Avery: Um…..I’d like some wine please.
We’re definitely in trouble...
As far as Alex goes – he is doing much better. He had blood drawn a week ago and his hemoglobin levels were a bit low, so we have to give him this disgusting vitamin liquid with iron. I’ve learned to wait until he is really hungry and then mix it with a small amount of breast milk in a bottle and he chugs it right down. I’m also focusing on eating more red meat, spinach, anything else with iron. Hopefully all of this will help. We only have two more days of antibiotics and then he gets that horrible thing out of his arm!!!! I’m psyched. He is too. He just doesn’t know it.
That’s about it. I’m spending the rest of the week packing and making lists of what I need to pack for our trip to WI. I’m trying to force myself to remember that my parents do have a washer and a dryer and, because of this, each of them only needs a few outfits, but inevitably, this theory will not work and I’ll end up packing more than they could ever possibly need. I should probably work on this problem of mine now that checked bags are $15 a piece. I’m flying out there by myself with both of them, so be sure to check the next post, as I’m sure it will be entertaining…
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