It didn’t phase Avery a bit. They even had Ariel show up and Avery could have cared less.
Oh - I nearly forgot – the weekend started off with 3 friends of mine and their kids coming over on Friday morning. This was interesting, as they all have boys (ranging in ages 5 months to 4 years) and I, as of right now, only have one boy who doesn’t do much at this point. Turns out, boys get into anything they can get their hands on. Don’t get me wrong – they were all well behaved. However, things like play dough and my blackberry are all fair game when left out. Avery really is unique when it comes to this stuff, as she would never play with it without asking first. We’ve never had to baby proof the house at all because she just doesn’t get into things. So, I never even thought to put this stuff away until I turned around and play dough was every where, my blackberry had been pulled off of the window sill where it was charging and was on the floor ( I know, that one was dumb on my part) and there was a puddle of water on the ground where one of the boys decided that perhaps my hard wood floors were thirsty and, to satisfy this, he pushed the button on the water thing on our refrigerator...over and over again. None of this stuff really bugged me – it was just comical because it made me realize that I am SOOO not ready for Alex to get older. We’re screwed. And, so is chili because his litter pans are in the basement and apparently, you can’t leave a basement door open with a baby boy who is crawling and I refuse to have the litter pans anywhere else in the house, so it looks like Chili has to go within the next 5 months. Takers? Anyone?
Alex is awesome. A very happy baby ( I know, I know – I would have NEVER thought this 3 months ago). He is smiling and laughing a ton.
I’m entering my last week of maternity leave and it sucks. I’m actually getting used to this stay at home mom thing. Granted, being a stay at home mom is easier when the kids are actually going to daycare, but still...
Me being me, I have procrastinated and have waited until the last 2 weeks of my leave to schedule all of the appointments that I need to, so I’ll be doing that this week as well as running any other last minute errands that I have to do before heading back. I’ll let you know how it goes!