This year's trip started with a bit of disorganization on my end. I had found out about my high school reunion a few months earlier, so I made sure to book tickets for myself and the kids (Josh was coming later because of work) so that we would make it out there in time for that...only to find out (after booking them) that my reunion was on the same night as Avery's dance recital. Awesome. We managed to figure it out and it probably worked out better anyway. I went to Avery's dress rehearsal so that I could at least see the dance and then Josh and Grammy took Avery to the actual recital while Grampy took care of Alex. I left early on Saturday morning and flew to WI in time for the reunion. Which, was so much fun. The girls and I all got a hotel right down the road from the reunion, so we met there to get ready and have a drink. Then, we met up with a few people from HS and headed over. It was so great seeing so many people that I haven't seen in years.
The next day, Sara and I went to visit Jamie, who I have known since kindergarten and haven't seen in probably 10 years? Again, a great visit and great catching up and meeting her kids and husband!
That night, Josh and the kids flew in, so I picked them up and after nearly getting a divorce over the fact that the car that I got was nearly too small for our luggage, we headed to Culver's and then to Opa and Grandmas!
The week, once again, was filled with all sorts of fun activities...
Strawberry picking where once again, Charlotte ate more than her weight in strawberries, Alex did his best to chuck the rotten ones as far as he could, Annabel very carefully selected the perfect strawberries and Avery attempted to instruct everyone on how to do all of the above...
The beach...
Fishing (where Annabel and I nearly broke up due to her frustration over not being able to cast and my frustration over her not listening to me telling her how to do it - don't worry, we made up).
The boat, where once again, we attempted tubing. Well, by "we" I mean, me and the kids and Uncle William. Josh had left at this point and Aunt Lexi had zero desire. Everything was going great until...we got flipped. I was so intent on holding onto Charlotte ( I was holding onto Avery as well, don't worry - it is just that she wasn't quite as little and fragile as Charlotte) that I continued to hold onto her as we both got thrown into the water. Avery managed to stay on, and patiently sat there waiting for Opa to come and get us. Charlotte handled it pretty well. There were tears, but considering she wanted to go again the next day, I'd say she got over it pretty quickly.
This year's picnic activity - the scavenger hunt! Opa and Grandma came up with a great list of things that everyone needed to find and we paired off into teams of two. The list included such things as, a dog cookie, snake skin, oak leaf, a bullet (don't worry - it was just the shell, which was found at Opa's shooting pit thing. Then at the end was our annual picnic in the field.
Oh - and, because the kids' have the most creative grandma on the planet, they were told to make a smiley face with all of their findings! Annabel was the only one who found the snake skin, which became her face's hair...
Playing in the pool...
Scooting and even more importantly, learning how to ride bikes!!!! Aunt Lexi was on a mission to teach Avery and Alex how to finally ride bikes. This was good, because as it turns out, I have no patience for this activity, which is the main reason they still didn't know how. So, off to Walmart we went to buy 2 bikes ($50 each, thank you very much) and sure enough, 2 times down the paved driveway and they had it! It was great!!!
A concert in the park!
And, of course, we had all of the bday celebrations and the fourth of July and the cousins' visit, which will be covered in their own post.
All in all, yet another great trip to Opa and Grandma's farm!
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