In keeping with tradition, Opa and Grandma flew out a few days before Avery's bday. As always, the kids were bouncing off the walls and thrilled to see them. We kept both kids home on Friday so that they could spend some time with them and of course, Avery convinced Grandma to get (and do) some craft that she has wanted to do for months now and Alex convinced Opa to play soccer with him for as long as they both physically could. That night, we went out to dinner at a new place that we haven't been to and as it turns out, it passed the test with everyone...even Opa!
Once the kids were down, Opa and Grandma helped me to blow up a bunch of balloons so that Avery would wake up to them hanging above her on her bday morning. Which...she did and then promptly looked at me and asked me why there were a bunch of balloons on the ceiling??!! Um....?????
Saturday was Avery's 7th bday! Of course, we let her open the presents from us immediately (well, after we made and poured our coffee and dragged Opa out of bed) that morning...
She got some very grown up presents this year - a camera from us and a kindle from Opa and Grandma. Plus a book from France when Opa and Grandma were there (written all in French) and of course, her beenie boo. Not sure what it is with these things, but they are the hot item right now in the first grade. She now has about 7 of them - small, medium and large.
Then, it was all about the friend party. I finally got smart this year and decided to do the friend party somewhere OTHER THAN my house! :) We had it at SnipIts and I have to say - they did a great job! Each girl had their own little mirror and makeup/nail polish. And, then they took one girl at a time and did their hair (they had 5 different styles to choose from) while the other girls were busy doing their makeup. I will say that I wasn't quite prepared for the disaster that we were about to encounter with 9 7-year-olds putting on their own makeup. Needless to say, they looked like a bunch of clowns (and I say that in only the nicest way possible). It was pretty funny. After they all had their hair and makeup done, they got to walk the red carpet as the girl working there announced each one of them and said a little bit about them. It was really cute.
The next day was Mother's Day! We started out the day with a very relaxing morning sitting on the deck, drinking coffee and of course, eating the left over bday cupcakes for breakfast. Followed by a nice, lazy afternoon of planting flowers and relaxing. Then, Grammy and Grampy came over for dinner and of course, we had cake and presents afterwards.
Overall, I'd say it was a pretty successful weekend. But, the fun didn't stop there!
Unfortunately, I had to go into work on Monday, so I kept Alex home with Opa and Grandma and sent Avery to school. They had a great day filled with a nature hike and lots (and lots and lots) of soccer!
Tuesday, I took the day off and sent Alex to school and then picked Avery up at lunch so that she could come to Newport for lunch with Opa and Grandma.
After lunch, we walked around Newport a bit and then went to 2 stores so that Avery could spend the gift cards that she got for her bday from friends. And, wouldn't you know it? She took it upon herself to use part of them both for Alex so that she wouldn't be coming home with something for her and nothing for him. Not sure whose kid she is??!! Pretty certain Lexi was pretty much of an out of sight, out of mind kind of sister when I was that age. No offense, Lex. I really like you now. :)
Unfortunately, come Wednesday morning, Opa and Grandma's had come to an end. As always, we loved having them and can't wait to see them again in July for the big Al-Man's bday!
Happy 7th Birthday, Avery!!!! Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
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