Grammy once again took us to tea at the mansion. As always, it was a really cute event and Avery had a great time. The only problem? For whatever reason, one of the years, we went into the gift shop after the tea and she got something small. So, now? She thinks that she can go to the gift shop every time and get something. I mean, there was nothing that she even liked in the shop, yet, she insisted on buying something (yes, I realize there is a much larger issue that we will have to deal with at some point here). So, I stuck to my word and said no and wow - somebody threw a bit of a hissy fit. Even Grammy got frustrated with her and that is saying something! I have to attribute some of this to being tired from a full day of school, but still...needless to say, we had a little chat in the car on the way home and this behavior better not happen again at the tea or the 2012 tea may be the last she sees of this!
We celebrated with Josh's side of the family on the Saturday before Christmas and then left for our big trip to Houston on Sunday. And, in true Holland fashion, Avery woke up on Saturday morning with strep throat. Awesome. Luckily, we got her into the see the doctor immediately on Saturday morning, so we started her on antibiotics right away. Unfortunately, she wasn't 100% at Grammy and Grampy's, but she was a trooper and hung in there enough to celebrate a bit and of course, to open some presents...
Al Man got his ditch digger that he had been asking for for about 3 months prior to Christmas and loved it...
And, the coolest part of the night? Avery had a Santa's workshop at school where she could buy 2 presents for anyone she wanted. So, we sent her to school with $20 and she came home to tell us that she bought a present for Alex, for Mommy and since she could only buy for 2 people, Daddy's present was the change from the $20 that she didn't spend. Ha! Anyway - she was SO proud of the present that she got for me and could hardly wait until Christmas so that I could open it. I have to say - I am pretty impressed that a 5-year-old could keep a secret for that long, but she did. So, of course, the first thing we did when we got to Grammy and Grampy's was open my present....
It was a friendship bracelet - complete with 3 charms - "Special," "Friends Forever," and "Love." I actually wear it quite frequently and will cherish it forever.
As always, I've been a bit long winded, so as it turns out, there will be a Christmas, Part 3, as I can't very well fit an entire week of Texas in this posting. Stay tuned! And, then? Back to present day (mostly)...