Ok – wow. I’m pretty certain that I haven’t been as social as I have been this month since I was in college. How did I function having so many social activities going on back then? Ok, clearly I know the answer to this and clearly it has to do with a certain 16 month old and a certain 3 year old who seem to need a mom – even when that mom is exhausted. It all started the weekend of our anniversary (which, was great by the way – I never really did provide an update on that) and ever since, we have had something going on every single weekend. Don’t get me wrong – I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every weekend and I loved spending time with everyone who came into town. But, wow. I’m exhausted!
Last weekend, Avery had hockey at the YMCA, which she seemed to enjoy and I had my first experience getting into the pool with Alex (ironically enough, I couldn't find my one piece until the 5th session. :))

After the Y, we rushed home to get ready for a visit from Colleen and her boyfriend, Chris and another friend of ours, Erin. Colleen and Chris were running the half marathon in Newport, so they took advantage of being in the area and came to the house for lunch on their way to Newport on Saturday. We did manage to catch up in between dealing with a chatty toddler and a 16 month old who wanted to be into everything and anything while we were trying to eat and it was a really nice visit. After that, we were off to Caroline and Jake’s house for dinner and then off to the pumpkin festival in Newport. As always, we had a great time. Avery and Max loved looking at all of the pumpkins and Alex enjoyed his snooze in the stroller the entire time. NOTE - no idea why all of these pictures are sideways (they are not on my hard drive) and for some unknown reason, blogger doesn't give you the option to rotate them, so just flip your screen around to look at the next couple.

This last weekend, Auntie Sara came for a visit. On Saturday, we participated in the MS Jet Pull, which was pretty cool. We literally pulled a 727 jet down the runway at TF Green. This is the second year that I’ve done this and it really is a rush.

Alex had a bit of a rough weekend to begin with – he woke up crying on Friday night and I went in to find a pile of puke in his crib (which later ended up in my washing machine, as Josh didn’t do as good of a job as he had thought getting rid of it the night before) and then found out that he had a 103 temp. He didn’t have a temp the next day, but was miserable. I’ve never seen him like that. He finally seemed to get better Saturday night and then was fine yesterday, thank god! I was pretty certain Sara was about to turn around and go home after his display on Saturday! But, she stuck around and we had a very nice rest of the weekend playing with the kids.

And, later that weekend Alex more than made up for his horrible mood on Saturday when he started walking all over the house on Saturday night and Sunday! It was very exciting. He had taken his first steps about 4 weeks ago, but hadn’t really walked too too much since then. This weekend, however – he was cruising! It is really exciting. Here he is at Caroline and Jake’s last weekend. So, picture this, but a bit more steady and frequent (and, right side up)!
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