Anyway – while Avery was playing soccer, Josh took Alex to the pool ( I conveniently couldn’t find my one piece suit, so Josh got pool duty for week one). By the time we got there, everyone was just standing around with the babies – not really what I had in mind for $75.
Josh confirmed that, for the first 25 mins, they did songs and dancing (which I would have paid money to see Josh do), but after that, it was kind of a free for all. Which, looking back, was somewhat comical actually because all of the mothers were doing things like lifting the baby high into the air yelling “Wee!!!!” and taking them around the pool on their bellies saying, “kick, kick, kick!!! Good job Johnny!!!” Or, holding them and saying, “splash, splash splash!!!!” You get the picture. The dads? Just standing there. Maybe every once in a while, there was an occasional bob in the water, but really? They just stood there. And, they didn’t even talk to one another. Just stood there. I suggested to Josh that maybe he take Alex around the pool for a bit of a swim and he looked at me as though I was crazy.
The rest of the weekend was a rather productive one for Josh and I – I cleaned out Alex’s “junk drawer” in his dresser, which consisted of onesies ranging in size from 9 months – 24 months as well as every pair of socks he has ever owned (most of which only fit his big toe at this point), every bib he has ever owned (most of which were pink) and every hat he has ever owned (which, again, cover one ear at this point). I also cleaned out all of this clothes that have been piling up in his closet since he was 7 lbs. (that was 18 lbs ago…). Josh painted a wall in the kitchen, which he thinks is too dark and I think is too blue, but knowing us, it will stay that way (including the blue edging tape) for a good couple of months (we’re prompt like that). I also finished planting the hydrangeas around the house – pictures of that to come.
Oh – exciting news! I was so consumed with my productiveness, that I nearly forgot - Alex took his first 3 steps this last weekend. He walked inbetween Josh and I a couple of times, which was very exciting. We were so proud of him. And then…..he crawled into Deacon’s kennel…..
This next weekend, Josh and I are going to Six Flags New England for our 6 year anniversary (wow – that sounds kind of WT, but it is something that we love to do together and haven’t done since pre-pregnancy days) and we are staying there and having a nice dinner.
Grammy and Grampy will have the kids all day on Saturday and then Saturday night. This means that they are in charge of the YMCA class schedule on Saturday morning. Somehow, I have a bad feeling that Alex will show up on the basketball court and given a basketball to dribble and Avery will get her wish and will end up in the pool…
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