I didn’t want to say anything earlier, as it was very touch and go there for a while, but it is official – he arrived this last Saturday from Houston! We found him through a lab rescue league. It really couldn’t have worked out any better. He was staying with the sweetest foster mom who was so great to work with (as opposed to crazy psycho lady who I had initially been dealing with on another dog that didn’t work out). AND, because he was in Houston, my parents and sister were able to meet him and let me know how he was! Overall, he is doing really well.
He is super chilled – already great in the house and in the office.
Avery was a bit freaked out by him at first, but is slowly warming up to him. He on the other hand is still a bit freaked out by Avery. Unfortunately, he has done a bit of growling when she pets him. I’m really hoping that this is a transition thing and that he will calm down once he knows that this is his permanent home and that she won’t hurt him. If not, I’m not sure what we are going to do. It is very strange, as he really is the sweetest dog with everyone else. It is just the kids who seem to bug him. Besides that, he is doing really well and is really starting to feel more at home every day. He is going to the office every day with Josh and has already bonded with him.
The kids are doing great. Avery had a busy Saturday. She went to gymnastics and then had a bday party at one of her friend’s house from daycare. Then, that night, she and Alex went to church and dinner with Josh’s parents while we went to get Jack in Boston.
I managed to get a stomach bug that started on Thursday night and literally lasted until Monday afternoon. Granted, I could at least function somewhat starting on Saturday (as opposed to Friday when I literally thought I may die and could not get out of bed all day). So, unfortunately, Jack’s arrival wasn’t AS perfect as I would have hoped given how I felt all weekend, but overall, it was fine.
It is great having a dog in the house again (except for the obscene amount of hair that comes with him and is now all over my house). It seemed really empty without one. This week, our goal is to fine the perfect combination of toys to put on the couch so that he can't knock them down and sleep there at night. Apparently he hasn't got the memo that, while he is a member of the family, he is a member who sleeps on the floor, not in our bed and not on our couch. We're working on it...
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