This weekend, we thought that it would be fun to surprise Avery by transforming her crib into a day bed (aka, “Big Girl Bed”), which essentially just means we are taking the front railings off of her crib (which, were replaced by a railing, which essentially is just a shorter version both height and length-wise). So, this last week, I ordered an entire bedding set (which is super cute and was found at Target for just $30 (sheets, comforter and pillow case) – I was pretty psyched) and then we had Josh’s parents take both kids for a couple of hours so that we could put the whole thing together.
So, when Avery came home we told her that we had a surprise for her upstairs. She marches up the stairs, not knowing what she is going to find, and then enters her bedroom to see the “Big Girl Bed!!!”
She was really excited at the time. Then came nap time. Yeah- not really digging the big girl bed. It seemed to totally freak her out, actually. She wanted nothing to do with it. So, I finally get her to lay down in the bed (AFTER having to remove all of the bedding that I just purchased for the big girl bed because she doesn’t like blankets in her bed – never has, actually, but I assumed this would be a fresh start – not so much) and as I was sitting in the room for a few minutes (like I always do), she (being the queen of procrastination that she is) starting pointing out ridiculous things like, “I don’t like that letter A (referring to a large wooden letter A that we have hanging on the way) on my wall.” Or, “I don’t like those stuffed animals in my room.” It was as though she all of a sudden noticed these things that she couldn’t see through the crib railings or something. So, of course, I tell her she is being silly and that I’m going to leave so she can nap. Then she wants Daddy to come in. So, Josh goes in and go figure, I go up later? The letter A is on the floor. The stuffed animals did remain where they were, so I guess he didn’t COMPLETELY cave. Anyway – she finally did get to bed, but took a horrible nap - short and woke up in a bad (to say the least) mood.
So, night time comes. We did manage to get her to sleep at a normal pace. However, at approximately 130 AM, we wake up to her standing right next to our bed calling out my name. First of all, it scared the living crap out of me. Second of all, I was in such a daze when she woke me up that I couldn’t really think about how best to handle the situation. So, I attempted to pick her up and to carry her back to her room. As you can imagine, she wanted nothing to do with that and was about to throw a fit, which would have woken Alex up. So, I caved. She slept in our bed all night. UGH! I’m not sure what to do. Josh said to give it a week, but I can guarantee you, she will be in Mommy and Daddy’s bed every night this week, which will then turn into a habit. Part of me is just tempted to put the crib back together. I mean, if that is where she wants to sleep, who am I to take it away? It really isn’t a big deal at the end of the day. Surely she will eventually want a big girl bed someday, right? I can see it now – we will have the only 13 year old still sleeping in a crib.
So, Alex apparently doesn’t want to grow up either. We switched him out of his bucket car seat this weekend (the kind that you carry them around in when they are infants) and installed the big kid carseats that stay in the car.
I guess I can’t blame either one of the kids, as Josh will be the first to tell you that I don’t deal well with change either. But, at least with me, I’m an adult and can get over it. They apparently have a harder time. Let’s just hope, after 2 years of Avery basically NEVER sleeping in our bed, that this big girl bed doesn’t create a horrible habit. Then again, maybe this will be reason enough for Josh to cave and get that King size bed that I’ve been wanting???? Hmmmm…this could be a good thing.
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