Saturday, we went to the children’s museum in Providence. I had never been before, so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Let me first say – holy crap! Going anywhere with 3 kids is ridiculous. I’m not sure how families do it. Thank god we had the Pilot with the third row. Otherwise, we would have had to take 2 cars everywhere all weekend. And, even with the third row, poor Annabel was practically in the trunk. It felt like she was miles away from us while we were driving. And, besides the logistics of the car situation, I really think that the bigger issue is the amount of stuff that 3 kids require. I mean, we had 2 diaper bags (one of which had stuff for a 2.5 year old as well as a 7 month old), 2 bjorns and our double stroller to shove in the car with us wherever we went. So, anyway – we get to the museum and get all of the kids loaded up in the stroller, get the diaper bags in the stroller and off we went just in time to see a huge sign at the front entrance asking us to leave all large strollers in the car. Awesome. Well, thankfully, they didn’t really enforce that rule ( I think that they felt bad for us when they saw how long it took us to get in the door with all of this stuff). So, we walk in and Alex proceeds to FREAK OUT. I mean, totally start bawling and was clearly scared out of his mind. I think that the 5000 kids running around combined with the 10000 lights and sounds were probably a bit too much for him. Annabel on the other hand, just sat in the stroller chilled out and stared at him wondering what in the hell was wrong with him – this stuff was fun!!! :) Given his reaction, I put him in the bjorn and carried him for the rest of the time, which he was very happy with. Avery had a great time. It took her a bit to warm up to the idea of 5000 kids running around as well (man – apparently my kids aren’t quite as “social” as I would have thought), but as soon as she got used to that, she had fun running around, playing with things, etc. At the end, we found the water room, which was great. She loved playing with all of the water and it gave Lexi and I a chance to sit and feed the babies.
Afterwards, we all went out to lunch “at a restaurant,” which is Avery’s favorite thing to do. And, on the way home, we did the famous “drive 30 mins out of your way to keep the kids asleep” routine, but it was nice because it gave Lexi a chance to see parts of Little Compton that she hadn’t before (ok, so that part only took 5 mins out of the 30 given the fact that if you blink, you miss Little Compton, but whatever…).

Sunday was Valentine’s Day. The day started out with a fun gift from Daddy – a sit and spin!!!! Poor Josh literally went to like 5 stores at Christmas looking for one of these and never found one. So, he finally found one on Amazon and ordered it. She was really really excited about it…
until she realized that it doesn’t spin as fast as the ones at daycare. She hasn’t been on it since. Awesome. Anyway – we went to Lindsey’s house on Sunday morning for a little Valentine’s Day brunch. 
It was nice to have Lexi and Annabel meet everyone and the kids had a good time. Sunday night, we went to Josh’s parents for a Valentine’s Day dinner, which was also nice. Monday was spent with all of the kids at home just chilling out. Both of the babies were sick, so it was a constant exercise of how to keep both of them from screaming. Overall, Alex and Annabel really played well together – they interacted with each other much more than I thought that they would.
It was pretty funny – every time Alex would get a new toy, Annabel would immediately steal it.
For being such a little peanut, she sure was a big bully! Although, Alex didn’t seem to care. In fact, he showed her by stealing her sock and eating it!
Overall, it was a great trip - it was fun having them here and for the kids to hang out. But, clearly, everyone was a bit exhausted by the end...