So, I’ve come to the conclusion that the key to a nice, relaxing (I use that term lightly, as our lives are never relaxing with a 3.5 year old and a 17 month old) vacation is HEALTHY kids who are SLEEPING. Man! What a difference that makes!
Oh, and a celebrity sighting in the airport to start the trip off is also always a good luck sign. Here is a picture of David Ortiz getting food at the same food court we were at in Logan (for those of you not from the Northeast, Ortiz is a big time Boston Red Sox player). Clearly I didn’t get close enough to get a decent picture, but that is him. I swear.

Our Thanksgiving trip started out in Houston at Lexi and Will’s new house, which is gorgeous (and rather large!) – the kids LOVED running around and getting into their cousin’s toys. Poor Annabel – I’m not sure she was prepared for the Holland kids, as most of the time she just sat in a corner reading her books peacefully and looking at Avery and Alex screaming and running and thinking “who in the hell are these two and why are they SO loud???”
Sunday morning, we got together with Amy, Jessica and the kids again. We got to meet cute baby Oliver who was only a couple of weeks old and the kids got to hang out with each other while we made lunch and attempted to catch up (which wasn’t overly successful, but that was to be expected with 6 kids under the age of 4 running around).

That afternoon, we made the trip down to Opa and Grandma’s. We planned it so that we would leave right at the start of the kids’ nap times. It worked well.

Even a movie couldn’t entertain Avery long enough to stay awake at that point…

Opa and Grandma had PLENTY of activities planned to keep the kids occupied.
We went to 2 different playgrounds

Made cookies with Grandma

Took the ever exciting trip to Walmart (no, I’m not being sarcastic – trips to Walmart are exciting for kids and as a result, the parents)
Made our own pizzas and cooked them in Opa and Grandma’s Pizza Oven

Went to the beach

Note the location of the Holland kids and the Davie child. Holland kids? Up to their ears in sand and running around and screaming (again). Davie child? Well, she didn’t like the feeling of sand on her toes. So, she stayed on the towel the entire time and was perfectly content just taking things out of the diaper bag and handing them to her mother (and, probably still wondering who in the hell these two kids were running around screaming).
And, the highlight of the trip, played in the kiddie pool naked (these are the types of things you can do when you celebrate Thanksgiving in TX where is it 80 and sunny the whole week)

Which, we thought was a brilliant idea until someone (and, I’m not naming any names here)

decided to poop. Not once, but TWICE right smack dab on the deck...

It was actually rather comical (and, unbelievable). At least she noticed it when she did it. Alex? He would just walk around peeing and have no concept of what was going on. Ah....boys. You gotta love 'em.
Overall, it was a great week. The kids were great and it was great spending time with my parents, Lexi and Will as a family. Can't wait to do it all over again in a few weeks for Christmas!