Luckily for us this year, the weather was perfect for the 4th of July, which is good because most of the day is spent outside. The kids were thrilled that they once again had baby chicks and bunnies for them to hold. I still can't believe that they trust little kids with these things. I have to think that most of them were staring strangulation in the eye at any given point, but whatever. I think that they all lived...
And, of course, there were the adult animals who needed to be fed...
Yet again, Alex took a shot at trying to sink the Bismark! I actually got him a big bucket of balls this year and he did pretty well! Didn't sink it, but did hit it pretty far quite a few times!
After those festivities, it was time for the Green Lake Fourth of July Parade!!!
Unfortunately, I think that they save the big "Foreign Exchange Student" reveal for the Green Lake Harvest Fest parade, so he/she wasn't there this year. I personally think that he/she is important enough to be in both, but who am I?
After the parade, we headed to the park and set up camp so that we could eat dinner, watch the band and see the fireworks! Alex and one of his many encased meats consumed during the trip...
It was yet again, another great 4th of July celebration in WI!
Another thing that has become somewhat of a tradition when we are in WI is that the Wilkes come to visit us! It is always so nice to catch up with them and to see all of the kids together.
And, then of course, we had Uncle Will's bday and Annabel's bday! For Uncle Will's bday, he decided that he wanted to go out to lunch at the local bar/restaurant. As you can imagine, I was perfectly fine with this decision.

For Annabel's birthday, we decided that we would try something that we have never done before - canoeing! What a great day!!! We got three canoes and all headed down the Fox (??) River. It was so peaceful...we saw turtles, deer, fish and even saw a bald eagle. The first one that I've ever seen in person not in the zoo. Halfway through the trip, we were told that there was a local bar that we could stop at if we were "tired." As you can imagine, we were exhausted (aka, in need of a beer, or several, and cheese curds). :) So, we parked the canoes and visited the local bar. It was a gorgeous day, so we sat outside, had some beers, ate some cheese curds and...learned how to make a potato shooter! As we were sitting there, we all of a sudden hear a loud bang, only to then see a potato flying into the air into the river. Apparently, some guy who is a local at the bar decided that building a potato shooter would be a fun past time, so he did and now just shoots potatoes into the river. It was pretty comical. Needless to say, the ride home was a bit more entertaining than the ride there after 3 beers each. I'm pretty certain Lexi and I spent half the time spinning in a circle.

We did eventually make it home and continued to celebrate with Annabel's Sleeping Beauty cake.
The next day, it was time to head home. Back to the real world, unfortunately. :( Until next year!!!