Friday, June 14, 2013

Kids' Minds

It's funny - I don't remember having such a creative imagination when I was little. But, I mean, surely I did, right?  Surely that even though I have grown up to be an accountant, I have at least one imaginative bone in my body??? 

Well, even if I don't, the big Al Man does.  He is too funny.  As with all younger siblings (I would assume), he is continuously attempting to compete with her for time and attention.  For those of you who know her, Avery commands (and most of the time receives) a lot of attention, so this is no small feat for A Man. order to do this, he will a lot of times just kind of make stories up.  We will be talking about something and he will all of a sudden bust out with a similar story, but one that is completely made up.  For example...

The other night, we were talking about the field day that Avery is having at school today.  They are going to spend the whole day outside playing, etc.  And, all of a sudden, Alex busts out with...

Alex:  "Well, mom.  We went on a field trip today at school."

Mom: (not realizing that he was making this up and feeling like a horrible parent that I missed a field trip!), "Really?  Where did you go?"

Alex:  "W. Point (abbreviated name of a beach near us)"

Mom: "Really?? (now clearly realizing that this is a story) Well, how did you get there?"

Alex:  "Well....we took a plane!"

Mom: "Wow!  Did you have to pack luggage?"

Alex: "Yep!"

Mom: "Well, what did you pack?"

Alex:  "Well...we didn't have to pack our pillow pets because, they already had them there for us."

Mom:  "Wow!  That is a nice beach!"

Alex:  "Yep!"

And, then..I'm sure Avery interrupted with something like, "Mom!  He obviously didn't fly to WP today!"  and the story stopped.  But, man - it was funny while it lasted.  And, fun to know that he has such a vivid imagination. be a kid again...