In keeping with their annual tradition (starting with the year she was born), Opa and Grandma made an appearance to join in the festivities!
They arrived the night before Avery's birthday and stayed with Al Man the next day while Avery went to school to bring in her ice cream sandwiches and to celebrate with her class. She had a great day, as the birthday girl gets to be the "Lucky Duck," which entails being the line leader and assisting in various errands throughout the day (which, as you can imagine, is right up Avery's alley). She also got to wear this crown all day just to make sure everyone knew it was her big day...
That night, we went to a Japanese Steakhouse for her birthday dinner. I'll be honest - this was somewhat of a selfish move on my part because, well, I love Japanese Steakhouses. But, I also thought that it would be a fun place to eat for a 6-year-old's bday. I just chose to forget about the fact that the last time we went to one? Both she and Alex totally freaked. Turns out, Avery has outgrown her fear of crazy Japanese men flinging knives, yelling at you while cooking, setting fire to the food and then putting it out with a rubber little guy who looks like he is peeing on your meal, all while yelling "pee pee!!! pee pee!!!" (yes, this really happens - I can't make this up...). Al Man? Hasn't really overcome this fear. But, whatever. Avery had fun. Alex just sat on my lap most of the time, but was fine when it was all said and done.
And, if you look very closely, this was the beginning of the Al meltdown...
The next day was her "friend party," which consisted of approximately 16 girls at our house for a "build a bear" extravaganza! I have to say, this company is great - - they come to your house with about 15 animals to choose from and then play games with all of the kids. Highly recommend them if you are in the area. And, not to toot my own horn, but I also managed to come up with a pretty creative idea to go along with the theme. I got a collar for each one of the girls and then gave them all a piece of shrinky dink paper that I had cut in a circle so that they could all make their own ID tags for their animals. They loved it and I am not obsessed with shrinky dink paper - the stuff is truly a miracle. Another miracle is Lindsey's insane ability to make the coolest cakes...
Avery's friend, M showed up with the same dress! :)
The next day was the family party, which also happens to fall on Mother's Day every year. I will admit - it's a nice way to combine two parties in one. However, unfortunately, as the hostess, I never get to fully participate in the "It's Mother's Day, so you should get to spend the day relaxing, Mom!" theory. Then again, unfortunately, Grandma doesn't either, as she spends most of the day helping as well and of course, partaking in crafts approximately 30 seconds after waking up...
Although, I will say that we were treated to some of Opa's famous waffles for Mother's Day breakfast, which was a nice treat!
Everyone showed up around 4:30 and we had a very nice dinner, cake (an ice cream cake, per request of the bday girl - I'm afraid my days of fun cakes may be over as I've finally come to admit, much to my dismay, that neither one of my kids likes cakes...really?????), and of course, Avery's 3rd round of presents...
It was a busy weekend, but I think that we can all agree that it was a fun one!
Happy Birthday, Miss Avery! I hope that you enjoyed it as much as the rest of us!