For whatever reason, my blogging was somewhat lacking this summer. Looking back, I just remember thinking to myself every Monday that nothing REALLY noteworthy happened that weekend to talk about. But, now that I look back on the summer as a whole, I realize that it isn't that things weren't noteworthy - they were just, well...the same as pretty much every other summer in the LC. But, that's the reason that we like living there so much, so I'm going to write about them. Lucky for you, I'm just going to write about all of them at once vs. having done it 15 different times during the summer...
One thing that I noticed this summer? Apparently, something pretty funky goes on in this area right around September through November. Maybe it's the cooler air. Maybe it is the excitement for fall. I'm not sure. But, man - it's something because there are a significant number of birthdays in May-July. So many that it was borderline unbelievable. We literally had a bday party (at least one, if not two) every weekend starting with the last weekend in May through all of June and then another one in July. Don't get me wrong - I'm not complaining. Avery goes to school with a great group of friends who have really fun parents, so it wasn't like it was miserable having to go to the parties. I'm just simply amazed at the number of them! Granted, one of these was Alex's, so I guess I can't count his. But, whatever...
So, after all of the bday parties were said and done and we
got back from WI, our weekends at the beach returned. As always, each year at the beach is a bit different than the last as the kids get older. This year, both kids were getting a bit more adventurous in the water - not quite as adventurous as most their age, but definitely more than last year. We stuck to our typical schedule - we'd get there around 10 AM and then stay until about 1 PM so that the kids could get home for a nap. I'm hoping to extend this even further next year, assuming napping won't be AS much of a necessity.
Although, now that I say that, nap time was enjoyed by all. Josh would sleep for a bit while I would go out running or walking with Deacon and then I would come back and he would go and hit balls while the kids and I played outside in the yard until dinner. I will say that those were my favorite days this summer - beach, lunch, run, play, dinner and wine on deck. Can't get much better than that.
The annual family beach party at the beach was in July this year - this is the one where the beach staff sets up grills all over the place and they have a band and then you just bring your own food and booze and cook at your own pace while the kids run around and dance. It is a really fun night. Unfortunately, this year, it started POURING (like, no joke - we were soaked) about an hour into it, but we didn't let that ruin the evening. By that time, we were done eating, so we packed everything up and headed to a friends' house for drinks. All in all, the night wasn't a total washout.

My company picnic was also in July - again, a great event. Basically, a huge party right on the water in Newport that is catered with great food and booze and a bunch of stuff for the kids to do. The party was great, but unfortunately, this was right at the tail end of Alex's 2 week devil period in his life, so upon getting in the car to drive home, something pissed him off ( I can't remember exactly what, but I'm sure it was something traumatic like we ran out of fishies or something along those lines) and he cried for TWO HOURS STRAIGHT. An hour on the way home and then another hour once we got home. Relentless, that kid. Relentless.

We also took our annual trip to the water park again this year. Josh and I both took a day off of work on a Friday and brought both kids to a water park that is about 40 mins from the house. It is essentially the wet version of a six flags (i.e., GREAT people watching), but I'd like to think a bit cleaner only because our kids are essentially swimming in bleach the entire time. Regardless, they both loved it and had a blast in the water. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of this, as while I appreciate those who provide great people watching, I'm not sure how much I trust them with my camera just sitting in my bag out and about all day.
And, of course, on the days that weren't ideal beach days or that we didn't have a party to go to, we did the typical playground visits, bike riding, and trips to the ice cream store down the road...
The "end" (I refuse to think of September as the end) of the summer found us ending swim lessons, going to see Thomas the Train, a visit from Uncle Will and the MS Challenge Walk - all of which require their own post, so stay tuned (sorry - maybe I lied a bit when I said I would include all activities in one post).
I feel like I'm back in the saddle, folks, so be looking for more frequent (and as a result, a bit shorter...yay for you) posts from here on out...