The Easter festivities began with the kids coloring the Easter eggs. It was fun this year because Alex was able to participate - last year, he was a bit too young. As you can see, we started off using the little dipper thingy that they provide...
And, then quickly just went with our hands to dunk the eggs...
And, then we got a bit goofy...
Which is probably what led to Alex successfully spilling an entire bowl of green dye right after these pictures were taken. I don't have pictures of this, as I was in the process of freaking out - envisioning my white chairs turning green for the rest of time. However, I have to say, we used different dye this year and it didn't stain! In fact, it came off rather easily! So, yes, Alex did live to see another day. Once things calmed down, Avery finished the eggs off by painting the glitter on them...
That night, we left lettuce and carrots out for the bunny. Oh - and, OJ. Not sure who decided that he would like OJ, but it seemed to go with the whole veggie theme more than milk, so we went with it.
Easter morning, Avery woke up early and came into our room. I will say that it took her a while to remember that it was Easter and that the Easter Bunny had come the night before. But, once she did, she was ready to roll. Alex tried to pretend that he knew what was going on, but really, he just followed Avery around.
They were all excited to find their baskets waiting for them on the table - along with a note that the Easter Bunny left in order to explain Avery's broken Easter Basket handle. And, I thought I wasn't creative in the story telling department...
Later that morning, we bundled up and went outside to find what the Easter Bunny had left.
How on earth did the bunny get all of those eggs outside, you ask? Why, with a head lamp the night before, of course (please disregard the fact that I have included a picture of my husband in his boxers...)!
After naps, the kids got dressed up in their Easter outfits. Avery insisted on wearing the necklaces and the headband that the Easter Bunny gave her. And, Al got to wear his soccer ball belt that we got him the day before. Unfortunately, it was slim pickins at the mall for toddler boy Easter outfits, so Alex wasn't necessarily as fancy as I would have liked for him to be, but still cute nonetheless. Please note the balls in every picture. That kid literally does not go anywhere without a ball. He is obsessed.
That afternoon, we went over to Josh's parent's house, where the bunny had hid more eggs. The kids had a blast finding them all and of course, Avery spotted one within 30 seconds of being there. Not even the Easter Bunny can get things by her! If you look closely, you will notice that the Easter Bunny hid eggs that were actually footballs, soccer balls, basket balls, etc. for the Big Al. Quite creative.
The day ended with a nice dinner at Grammy and Grampy's house - Bunny ears and all...