As you can imagine, holidays keep getting more and more fun (and busy) as the kids get older - and, Halloween was no exception. The festivities started on the Friday before Halloween. And, not to toot my own horn, but check out the Halloween costume that I put together for my office party on Friday - creative, yet easy, don't you think? I was a black eyed pea if you haven't figured it out...
And, not to toot my own horn again, but I also came up with the idea of Avery being Tinkerbell (to satisfy her need to be a princess or a fairy) and logically, if she was going to be Tinkerbell, Alex was going to be Peter Pan! Pictures below.
On Friday afternoon, Avery's class had a Halloween party at school and the parents were invited to come and participate. It was pretty cute. They put on a skit, which I got on video, but is pretty lengthy, so I'll spare you. And, then, they had various "centers" where the kids could go. They had a mummy wrapping station
Halloween Bingo
Building a Haunted House
And, Cookie Decorating (Mama liked this one the best because Avery doesn't really like sweets, so I got to eat the cookie...)

This actually brings me to a topic that I've been meaning to discuss. I don't know if it is a private school thing or if my school growing up was the same way and I just didn't realize it, but it is amazing to me how many activities that they have at Avery's school that include parent participation. I mean, hello??????? Don't get me wrong, I'd love to go to everything, but we are sending her to private school - AKA, we are PAYING for her to go to school and as a result we have to WORK to afford to pay for said schooling. I mean, honestly - who has the time to be going to a book fair at 3:00 in the afternoon??? I just don't get it. That said, this has caused some stress because Avery obviously doesn't quite understand the whole work concept and doesn't understand why Peggy Sue's mom gets to be at every event and Josh and I can't be. But, I've decided that I will do whatever I can and I will just have to prioritize - I will try my best to make it to the larger events like the holiday parties, but there will be some things that we just won't be able to make it to. I figure she'll understand. Probably not until she is a mother herself, but someday, she will get it. Anyway...onto the Halloween festivities...
I rushed home on Halloween to attempt to get the kids in their costumes and to get a few pictures. As you can see, none of them turned out fabulously, but I didn't have time to get many good ones (yet again, this whole work thing is clearly getting in the way!). I did however manage to capture most of the kids' typical looks...
Al - "Ok, Mom, I'll say Cheese, but I'm really more interested in whatever Deacon is doing over there..."
Avery - "Don't I look like a real princess, Mommy?"
Alex - "Yep - Deacon is still doing something much more exciting than this picture taking stuff."
Avery - "Alex, I'll keep smiling, but only for like 1 more picture, so please look at the camera..."
Avery - "Alex, SERIOUSLY! Look at the camera!"
Alex - "OK, fine, pouty pants..."
Avery - "Thank you, much better. Mommy - don't I still look like a princess?"
That night, we all met up at a friend's house and had some dinner before trick or treating. This has kind of become a tradition and it is a great night seeing all of the kids in their costumes. Not to mention, my friend's neighbors are loving it, as there just aren't many kids who go trick or treating in our town (we have never had a SINGLE trick or treater in the 7 years I've lived there), so they are loving seeing all of the kids as well.
Avery, needless to say, was totally into it - running around like a maniac. Al? Well, Al was a bit confused t first as to why we were all running around in the dark and what exactly we were supposed to say and do and get at these random people's houses. But, he figured it out and ended up enjoying himself. Although, he has still not even tried a piece of candy because, "Me no like it!" Sometimes I wonder it this kid is mine????
This was pretty much how Avery was the entire first half of the night - ...until...I became THAT mother. At one point, we had gone to the last house that was in the enclosed neighborhood, which meant that we were getting to the busier road. It was at this point that I screamed at everyone (including the parents), forced them to stop and pay attention to me and explained that, from that point on, NO child is to go onto the road without an adult. I'm sure I embarrassed my kids and my husband, but man! I was getting freaked out by the chaos and needed some order!
As you can see, Avery followed my instructions and held Lindsey's mom's hand the rest of the night. That's my girl!
Seeing as how my tangent on the school activities took up far more time than I had planned, I'll stop there. Overall, it was a fun and profitable night for everyone, including mama as I have a son who "no like it the candy..." and I'm totally ok with this...