1. I typically get up at 5:30 during the week to take Deacon out. In the past? I’d get up, take him for a walk, get back, shower, put on makeup and THEN Alex would get up. Perfect timing, as I was 75% done getting myself ready. Now? I have to get up, make a bottle, get the baby and then leave him in our room with a husband who REALLY doesn’t want to have to wake up to watch him. I’m still not 100% certain Josh ever really wakes up, so just in case, I always do the “what could he possibly get and choke on in our room” search before leaving.
2. I need to find a way to occupy him for the hour and 20 mins before we have to leave the house for daycare. Try doing this while also trying to shower and get yourself ready in the morning- not fun.
3. Because he got up too early, he becomes VERY tired, cranky and needy right around 6 am, which is still a good 40 mins before we leave. So, NOW try to get yourself ready AND occupy a baby who is cranky and needy. Also not fun.
4. If Alex wakes up at 5:20? Chances are pretty good that Avery will also wake up at 5:20, as their rooms are right next to each other, so now we have not one, but TWO kids who are cranky, tired and needy. Awesome.
5. As it turns out, a 12 month old doesn’t know the difference between a workday and a weekend day and as a result, decides to join us at 5:20 AM on Saturday and Sunday as well. REALLY????
And, here is the little stinker himself practicing his new fun game of pulling himself up on things...
And, here he is just prior to pulling himself up on Avery's easel and sticking a paint brush in his mouth...
Now, onto my eldest. We experienced the most unique and bizarre meltdown to date the other morning. She wanted to wear a dress to preschool. But, not just any dress. Nope – it has to be one that spins. And of course, none of my suggestions spun to her satisfaction. So, she freaked. Bawled, laid on the ground and……kicked. And, that was the end of it. Because there is NOTHING that I hate more than temper tantrums like that. And, I let her know of this immediately when the kicking began. Don’t worry – I didn’t do anything drastic. I just explained to her (in a somewhat raised volume and tone) that those types of fits are not tolerated in our house. Apparently it worked, because she stopped immediately. Once she calmed down, I attempted to explain to her that some days are spinning days and some days are non-spinning days and that day happened to be a non-spinning day, at which point she looked at me and said, “Can’t TOMORROW be the non-spinning day??”
It’s a good thing these kids are cute, that's all I have to say....