My two good friends from college, Tracy and Christine, came into town this weekend. We had such a great time. It’s amazing – we all hadn’t been together for years, yet it felt like just yesterday we were in college. That being said, it is so funny looking back at the things that we would have done on a weekend like this back 5-10 years ago vs. what we did this last weekend with 2 kids. Back 10 years ago? We probably would have gone out both nights for some dinner and drinks and then, during the day, maybe would have driven to Newport or Providence or even (dare I say it???) Boston? To do some sightseeing. Now? With 2 kids?
We stayed in the bubble.
Part of me felt kind of bad, but both of them seemed to be perfectly happy with experiencing the LC and everything it has to offer! Now, I don’t mean to make it sound like we can’t do anything fun anymore now that we have 2 kids. But, what I have found is that, if you want to do anything, you really need to motivate in the morning to at least ATTEMPT to get Avery back for nap time. Otherwise, we will all pay for it later. Side note – we could have gone out without Avery, but that would have resulted in us leaving a screaming child who wanted to hang out with Mommy and her friends for Josh to handle, so I chose to spare him. And, obviously, I was in no mood and neither were Tracy and Christine to motivate in the morning so that we could walk around Newport in the rain. Although, that being said, I did allow Avery to wake both of them up at 8 am on Saturday morning. They were less than thrilled with a 2.5 year old screaming, “Auntie Christine???? Are you awake?” outside their door, but I figured if I had already been up for 2 hours, they were not going to be allowed to sleep in either. So, you are asking yourself – “Self? What does LC have to offer in the middle of November?” Well…
First of all, temperature-wise, it was a great weekend. It was pretty rainy on Saturday, but Sunday wasn’t bad. So, Saturday, we went to lunch and then walked around T4C where we looked at all of the ridiculously overpriced stuff and wondered how anyone stays in business there? And, then there were the ever fascinating moo-moo cows. We were all pretty impressed with the size of these things – so much so that we all insisted on taking quite a few pictures (I'll only make you look at one of Christine and me).
Then, there was the bench where Tracy felt the need to perch like a frog (and, I felt the need to join her - I know, I know. We're crazy like that)…
Then, in order to get Avery out for some exercise, we all went outside and played in the rain after her nap.
That was our weekend. Avery had a great time hanging with the girls and having some more people (most importantly, more people with new and different imaginations than mommy and daddy) to play with. She was busy showing us how she takes care of her babies and cooking us things in her kitchen all weekend. And, then of course, going to various “parties” located throughout our house with Tracy (As I said– “different” imaginations). Alex kept us all entertained with his constant laughing and smiles.
Oh, and on a totally unrelated (yet, exciting) note - it's official!!!!! Avery has enough hair to put in pigtails! As you all know - this has been a long time coming, so I had to document it as proof that my child has finally grown hair.
This weekend, we’re off to Texas for Thanksgiving! Josh is traveling with us this time, so it should be much less stressful - probably won’t be as good in terms of blog material, but less stress, which is a good thing these days…