Overall, I have to say – Avery has done much better than I thought she would. She loves “Baby Alex” and kisses him and hugs him very gently all of the time.
She has also been great about the fact that I can’t lift her in and out of her crib or hold her. I told her that Mommy has a boo boo and I can’t hold her until it heals. It’s amazing how empathetic she has been with the whole thing - it’s like she totally understands and is ok with waiting until my boo boo heals. Now, I will say that there have been some random temper tantrums and she has had some issues listening to us. But, I have to also think that part of that has to do with her being a 2 year old. It’s amazing – we will ask her to do something and she blatantly just ignores us – it’s as though we aren’t even there. Unfortunately, it has resulted in us having to “force” her to do what we need her to do (i.e., carry her kicking and screaming, etc), which really sucks when you have to do it, but I guess these are the things that you have to do with a 2 year old.
Oh – and the other thing that she has done twice now is peed in her pants, which is totally not like her. And, after she does it, she just comes up to us and announces that she just peed on the floor as though it is totally a normal thing to do. I have to think that this is because of the baby considering, when she does this, I have no other choice but to put the baby down and assist her. I was torn as to whether I should get mad at her because I don’t want to set her back with the potty training, but then I figured that she is far enough along with it that she knows better, so I expressed my “frustration” with the situation last time she did it – we’ll see if it worked.
Unfortunately, Alex has not been the easiest of babies over the last 2 weeks. We think that it is either reflux, lactose intolerance, gas, lack of naps during the day or his raging diaper rash. You choose…
I have found that the vibrating bouncy seat seems to keep him happy for a decent amount of time, so that is pretty much where he resides most of the day
I’ve decided that the best way to get through the two days when it is Avery, Alex and I is to stay active with them. So, we bought a double stroller, which I’m totally psyched about. It starts out as a double stroller and then converts to a sit and stand once Avery is to the point where she doesn’t want to ride in a stroller any more.
So, now the plan is to take daily walks down to the library (yes Mom and Dad, I’m actually going to get a library card – the first one since college (which was forced upon me)) or to the playground. Other than that, I may venture out with both of them to go grocery shopping or run other errands, but I haven’t decided yet. Alex has already been out and about all over the place – yes, he has even been to the beach – his first visit being when he was only 4 days old. Got to get them started young…
Oh – just a random piece of Avery news – turns out, she has my skin. She got bit by a mosquito this last weekend on top of her eye and woke up the next morning with her eye nearly swollen shut because of it. Pretty crazy…
I’ll do my best to keep this updated as frequently as possible, but I can’t make any promises, as this mother thing seems to take up an awful lot of my time lately.