Anyway - Saturday, Avery and I went to her friend, Asher’s second birthday party while Josh stayed at home to finish up the yard. Note to all of you who will ever build a house or be anywhere where you need to plant grass – the hay that you put down? It never freaking disappears. I swear, Josh has spent 4 weekends just raking up hay and it never really seems to go away. But, anyway – the lawn did get mowed and it looks great. The birthday party was very nice. Avery had a great time and was obsessed with the sandbox. She literally played in that the entire time and had a ball. Oh – and, mind you – just to comment on these creative friends that I have. This isn’t just a normal sandbox – Chris actually dug a hole around a tree that they have in the yard and filled it with sand. I thought it was ingenious and looks really cool. Avery does in fact have a sandbox (which we call crabbie because it is a LARGE red plastic crab) that her Grandmy and Grandpy got her for her first bday, but seeing as how we were in the apartment, we never set it up. After seeing her at Asher’s, I’m thinking that it is time…
She also loved being on the boat that they had in the lawn while all of the boys jumped up and down and made it rock. Somehow, I think that we may wait a bit before we get her one of these...
Avery did a great job with the potty at Asher’s as well and was so proud of herself, she decided to announce to everyone there every time she went “poop on potty!!!” or “pee on potty!!!” Earlier that morning at home, I took the risk and put big girl panties on her – only to hear her about 30 minutes later – “mama! Pee on floor!” Ugh. At least it was on the bathroom tile and not the carpet. It’s funny – she will go every time you put her on the potty. However, she hasn’t quite gotten to the point where she knows that she can’t go in her diaper yet. So, I guess I would consider us halfway there. Oh, and yes - you will continue to get updates until she is fully potty trained, so I need your support if not for our benefit, for yours...
Sunday – I was having a big dilemma – do we stay at home and get more stuff done on the house or do we take advantage of the weather and the fact that we are still with just one child and go to the zoo? Well, I chose the later and I’m so glad that I did. Sorry to Sara, my parents and all of my in-laws who will be over in the next couple of weeks – the house still isn’t in order, but surely you will understand. Oh – the other dilemma that day? What do I put Avery in on an 88 degree day in Providence? It’s funny when they are this age, because clearly she won’t be able to fit into anything that she wore last summer, so you literally have to go out and get an entirely new wardrobe. Considering this weather kind of crept up on us, I had yet to do this. So – I scrounged up some hand me downs and she was originally wearing a cute pink and white skirt outfit, but with tennis shoes and socks because I have yet to get her any summer sandals– Josh claimed she looked like a secretary out taking a walk at lunch. And, she didn’t like the outfit anyway. So, she wore her favorite monkey shirt and a jean skirt AND the sneakers with socks – Josh then claimed that she looked like an 80 year old. Whatever. She was still cute.
Anyway – She LOVED the zoo - sneakers and all. She was so thrilled that we let her out of the stroller and she could run around. She saw “Big Elephants and Big Giraffes”
Oh – and, “fishies” – which, mind you, really weren’t part of the zoo – they were just in a pond near it, but she loved them.
She also got to pet a sheep, which she loved. And, as you can imagine, I cringed the entire time and immediately rushed her to the nearest handwashing station. I was convinced she was going to get some weird sheep disease, but don’t worry – she seems to be fine, so I think that we are in the clear.
So, at the end of the day, we told her that she could pick out a toy at the store on the way out. So, one would think she would go for a cuddly stuffed zebra? A stuffed giraffe? Nope! Not our Avery. She wanted a rubber, fluorescent yellow and orange centipede. She loved that thing. And, hey – it was fine by me – the thing was $2.10 vs. the ridiculously overpriced $20 giraffe. Here she is running around with it on the way to the car and, below that – sleeping with it on the way home.
She was exhausted and literally fell asleep within 1 minute of getting into the car.
Winker II – everything is going well! I realized the other day that I only have 9 more weeks of this pregnancy left. Crazy. This weekend, Sara comes, then next weekend is Avery’s bday, then the following weekend is Lexi’s shower in WI. After that, we are really going to start focusing on this child and getting things like onesies, diapers, etc. for him/her. It’s funny – with Avery, we had all of this stuff about 5 months before she was born. This one? Not so much. I’m pretty sure the reality of this won’t set in for any of us until July 2nd when I’m sitting in that hospital. And, then? Our lives are changed forever – in a good way, of course. A hectic, but good way.
Oh, and don’t worry – for those of you who were concerned about my daughter’s lack of a summer wardrobe – I immediately went to Target when we got home after the zoo and bought every short sleeve shirt and pair of shorts that they make for 2 year olds. Oh, and sandals – numerous pair….